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Nimbus iOS SDK

Welcome to Nimbus - ads by publishers, for publishers.


Nimbus iOS now offers preliminary support for Swift Package Manager.

Documentation can be found at


  • Xcode 13.3 or above


  1. Navigate to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content for an iOS application target
  2. Click the + button and select Add Package Dependency... under the Add Other dropdown
  3. Enter in the package URL and select the main branch
  4. Select all the frameworks required by your integration type

Nimbus Standalone

  • NimbusKit: The main framework of the Nimbus SDK
  • NimbusRenderKit: Adds support for rendering Nimbus Ads
    • NimbusRenderStaticKit: Renderer for Nimbus static ads (display / banner ads)
    • NimbusRenderVideoKit: Renderer for Nimbus video ads
      • NimbusRenderVideoKit-WithoutGoogleInteractiveMediaAds: Use if GoogleInteractiveMediaAds is linked externally
  • NimbusRequestKit - Adds support for making requests to Nimbus

Nimbus Extensions

  • NimbusFANKit: Adds support for Meta Audience Network ads
    • NimbusFANKit-WithoutFBAudienceNetwork: Use if FBAudienceNetwork is linked externally
  • NimbusGAMKit: Mediation adapters and Dynamic Price support for Google Ad Manager
  • NimbusLiveRampKit: Adds support for passing IDs using the LiveRamp SDK
  • NimbusRequestAPSKit: Adds support for including Amazon demand in the Nimbus auction
    • NimbusRequestAPSKit-WithoutDTBiOSSDK: Use if DTBiOSSDK is linked externally
  • NimbusUnityKit: Adds support for Unity Rewarded Video Ads
    • NimbusUnityKit-WithoutUnityAds: Use if UnityAds is linked externally

Nimbus Dynamic Price

For additional information integrating Dynamic Price please see our documentation.


Copyright 2024 Nimbus Advertising Solutions Inc. Distributed under GNU GPLv3.