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  • Commonly related mental health disorders (Cards)
  • emergency resources
  • Select your symptoms to get your stress score
  • Blogs section to read about mental health (MongoDB)
  • Chat application using threads and storing the data
  • Integrate something basic like GitaGPT
  • Mental health trivia

GitHub contributors GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub license

Storyline and Thought Process

Calmly is a mental health application designed to help individuals manage their mental health and well-being. The app provides tools and resources to help users maintain a healthy mindset and improve their overall well-being.


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Tech Stack

Frontend -

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

  • React Router DOM: A routing library for React

  • Axios: A library for making HTTP requests

  • DaisyUI: A library for building user interfaces

  • FlowBite: A library for building and managing workflows

  • FlowBite React: A React library for building workflows

  • Lottie React: A library for using animations in React applications

  • React Countdown: A library for countdown timers in React

  • React Countup: A library for countup timers in React

  • React Icons: A library of icons for React

  • React Reveal: A library for adding effects and animations to React applications

  • React Sound: A library for adding sound to React applications

Calmly - Frontend

As developer of Calmly, I faced several challenges while creating the frontend of the project. The first and biggest challenge was creating a seamless user experience for our users. I had to ensure that the website was easy to navigate and provided all the necessary information in an organized and easy-to-digest format.

To overcome this challenge, I started by creating a well-structured project structure and organizing all the different components and pages in a logical and consistent manner. I also added a navigation bar at the top of the page for easy navigation between pages and a footer to the bottom of the page.

Next, I created several reusable components such as dropdown menus, modals, spinners, and text components. These components were used throughout the application to provide a consistent look and feel. I also created a component to handle the display of charts, which is used to display various data points on the website.

To enhance the look and feel of the website, I used DaisyUI, a library for building user interfaces, along with Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. These tools allowed me to create a visually appealing and modern design that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

To achieve this, I made use of React, a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React provided the flexibility and efficiency needed to create a dynamic and responsive frontend. I also utilized React Router DOM, a routing library for React, to manage the navigation of the website and provide a smooth experience for users as they navigate through the site.

I also created an "About Us" section, which provides information about the team behind the project. This section includes a brief description of each team member, as well as links to their social media profiles. This section also includes a link to the GitHub repository, which allows users to view the source code for the project.

Overall, the frontend of Calmly was designed to provide a simple and intuitive experience for users, while also being robust and flexible enough to handle the complex requirements of a mental health application. With the combination of these technologies, I was able to create a frontend that was both functional and visually appealing, and met all the needs of our users.


The backend code can be deployed on cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku or any other platform.

We hope you find this backend helpful in creating your own stock market and companies platform. Happy coding!

Run Locally 🚀

Clone the project

  git clone

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev

Feedback 📝

If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at 📫 [email protected].

Contributing 🤝

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

License 📜


Authors 👨‍💻


Acknowledgements 🙏