Slick is a Slack bot to do ChatOps and other cool things.
Supported features:
- Plugin interface for chat messages
- Plugin-based HTTP handlers
- Simple API to reply to users
- Keeps an internal state of channels, users and their state.
- Listen for Reactions; take actions based on them (like buttons).
- Simple API to message users privately
- Simple API to update a previously sent message
- Simple API to delete bot messages after a given time duration.
- Easy plugin interface, listeners with criterias like:
- Messages directed to the bot only
- Private or public messages
- Listens for a duration or until a given
- Selectively on a channel, or from a user
- Expire listeners and unregister them dynamically
- Supports listening for edits or not
- Regexp match messages, or Contains checks
- Built-in KV store for data persistence (backed by BoltDB and JSON serialization)
- The bot has a mood (happy and hyper) which changes randomly.. you can base some decisions on it, to spice up conversations.
- Supports listening for any Slack events (ChannelCreated, ChannelJoined, EmojiChanged, FileShared, GroupArchived, etc..)
- A PubSub system to facilitate inter-plugins (or chat-to-web) communications.
Recognition: a plugin to recognize your peers (!recognize @user1 for doing an awesome job)
Faceoff: a game to learn the names and faces of your colleagues. The code for this one is interesting to learn to build interactive features with
. -
Vote: a simple voting plugin to decide where to lunch
Funny: a bunch of jokes and memes in reply to some strings in channels.. (inspired by Hubot's jokes)
Healthy: a very simple plugin that pokes URLs and reports on their health
Deployer: an example plugin to do deployments wth ansible (you'll probably want to roll out your own though).
Todo: todo list manager, one per channel
Try it with:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install -v && $GOPATH/bin/example-bot
Copy the slick.sample.conf
file to $HOME/.slick
and tweak at will.
You might need mercurial
installed to get some dependencies.
Example code to handle deployments:
// listenDeploy was hooked into a plugin elsewhere..
func listenDeploy() {
keywords := []string{"project1", "project2", "project3"}
Matches: regexp.MustCompile("(can you|could you|please|plz|c'mon|icanhaz) deploy (" + strings.Join(keywords, "|") + ") (with|using)( revision| commit)? `?([a-z0-9]{4,42})`?"),
MentionsMeOnly: true,
MessageHandlerFunc: func(listen *slick.Listener, msg *slick.Message) {
projectName := msg.Match[2]
revision := msg.Match[5]
go func() {
go msg.AddReaction("work_hard")
defer msg.RemoveReaction("work_hard")
// Do the deployment with projectName and revision...
Take inspiration by looking at the different plugins, like Funny
, Storm
, Deployer
, etc.. Don't forget to update your
bot's plugins list, like in example-bot/main.go