- Signup, Login, and Logout:
- Users can create an account, log in to their account, and log out when they are done.
Add Friend: when a user click on add friend button to send friend Request:
- when the user is logged in he is in a unieque room to recive the friend request on it (socket.io)
- the sender's data is added to the recipient's friend request list .
- the recipient's data is added to the sender's sent request list .
Friend request operations allow users to manage their friend requests effectively. The following operations are supported:
Accept: When a user accept a friend request from another user, the following actions are performed:
- The sender's data is added to the recipient's friends list.
- The friend request is deleted from the recipient's friend requests.
- The recipient's data is added to the sender friends list.
- The recipient's data is deleted from the sender's sent requests.
- new chat is created between the sender and the recipient
Reject: When a user reject a friend request from another user, the following actions are performed:
- The friend request is deleted from the recipient's friend requests.
- The recipient's data is deleted from the sender's sent requests.
Cancel: If a user sent a friend request to another user and want to cancel , the following actions are performed:
- The recipient's data is deleted from the sender's sent requests.
- The sender's data is deleted from the recipient's friend requests.
Delete : If a user delete a friend from his friends list, the following actions are performed
- the friend data is deleted form user friends list
- the user data is delted form the this friend friends list
- the chats and messages are deleted
- getChat
- we explain before that when user accept friend request we create a chat to them
- so when user click on the chat button he joined this chat room
- when send btn is clicked a new message is created in DB and send to the client socket to apper in the fron
- every user have a unique color for him to can distinguish between senders
- user can create a group chat by adding name ,images and group members form his frineds
- when user click on the create Group btn we create a chat for this group .
- the chat is only for group member and have a unique id
- page to display all user groups that belongs to or created by him
- To get the chat of a specific group and messages
- each member have it's own color .i made it because this is a backend project so i use it to distinguish between users
- make admin for group
- delete group if user is the admin
- leave group if user is a member not admin
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Install the required dependencies.
You can fork the app or you can git-clone the app into your local machine. Once done, please install all the dependencies by running
$ npm i
Strat work
$ npm start
- Configure the project settings.
- just in the .env file add this :
- DB_URI : you DB URI
- PORT : as you like (say 3000)
- Run the project locally.
- run the project and go to browser .. http://localhost:3000
- You should use different browse for each user because of the sessioins settings