It's a backend for a FAKE gaming service. This service has been developed purely for a demo purpose.There is a lot of stuff to make it production ready.
I wanted to show the following stuff:
- transactions in Go
- gorilla mux and parameters
- deploying Go app in Docker
- docker-compose usage
- generating Swagger-based api description
The idea is that people can use service and take part in different games. Every player has it's own balance of points on which he can take part in different games. Every game has it's entry deposit and if player doesn't have enough points to play other participants of the same game can back him up with money. In such case they get the money back + % of prize equal to % entry deposit he had backed the player .
The service implemented as REST API and stores data in relational database You can get the idea of database structure if you look at db.sql file
You can find REST API specification on SwaggerHub: Or you can access it locally by http://localhost:8024/docs
- To uild a project and use it on your own machine run make install and run ./main (in such case change database hostname from 'db')
- To run tests you should have a MySqlServer up and running on localhost
- To Generate Swagger API reference
Install go-swagger
In api package dir
swagger generate spec -o ./swagger.json
swagger validate swagger.json
- To run in docker via docker compose:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
In swagger-alt dir located a Dockerfile for swagger-ui generation based on go-swagger docker image. Just for your interest.
- To run using kubernetes
Multipod config(generated via kompose)
kubectl create -f <resource.yaml name>
Singlepod config(manual yaml):
kubectl create -f single-deployment.yaml
- Build images via docker-compose
- Tag them and push to Dockerhub
- Generate pods via Kompose or write your own yaml.
If you use generated yaml files:
3a) replace _ in names with camel case or - 3b) replace generated image names with tagged ones from step 2 - Run commands from above
Frontend documentation here
- Swagger API documentation is available at localhost:8024(localhost:8024 if swagger-alt is used)
- Rest API available at localhost:8080/v2 (see swagger)
- Admin frontend available at localhost:8217 (see Frontend documentation)