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A tiny snippet management plugin for neovim.

The plugin relies on neovim's built in Lua module vim.snippet, so nvim >= 0.10 is required.


  • Define your own snippets.
  • Expand custom snippets by using the word before the cursor as a trigger.
  • Expand snippet completions, such as those provided by language servers.

Optional setup


The options table may contain the following keys:

  • completion: boolean (default false), whether to expand completed snippets.
  • treesitter: boolean (default false), whether to use treesitter for filetype detection.
  • snippets: simple-snippets.SnippetTable (default empty), snippets to be merged with the global snippet table.

Example plugin spec for lazy.nvim:

    opts = {
        completion = true,
        treesitter = true,
        snippets = your_snippet_table, -- See the snippet table section.
    keys = {
        -- Lazy-load the plugin when one of following key mappings is used ...
        { '<C-l>', function () require('simple-snippets').expand_or_jump() end, mode = 'i' },
        { '<C-s>', function () require('simple-snippets').complete()       end, mode = 'i' },
    -- ... Or when an LSP client is attached to a buffer.
    event = 'LspAttach',
    -- Make sure lazy-loading is enabled.
    lazy = true,
    -- Only enable the plugin if `vim.snippet` exists.
    enabled = vim.snippet ~= nil,

In order to effectively jump between snippet tabstops, separate mappings are required, such as the following:

vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '<C-h>', function () vim.snippet.jump(-1) end)
vim.keymap.set('s',          '<C-l>', function () vim.snippet.jump(1) end)

LSP snippet completion items

Neovim's default LSP client capabilities do not include snippet support, so language servers won't attempt to provide snippet completion items.

You can fix this by merging the following table with your existing LSP client capabilities:

local snippet_capabilities = { textDocument = { completion = { completionItem = { snippetSupport = true } } } }

For example, if you use nvim-lspconfig, you can pass the following capabilities to each client's setup function:

local capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities(), snippet_capabilities)

Type simple-snippets.Snippet

A snippet is represented either as a string or a function that returns a string: string|fun():string

For snippet syntax, see the LSP snippet specification.

Type simple-snippets.SnippetTable

A snippet table maps filetypes to snippet definition tables: table<string, table<string, simple-snippets.Snippet>>

The following example snippet table defines a main snippet for python and a time snippet for all filetypes, which will expand to the current time at the time of expansion.

    python = {
        main = 'if __name__ == "__main__":\n\t${1:pass}',
    all = {
        time = function () return'%T') end,


The plugin provides the following interface, accessible through require('simple-snippets'):

  • snippets: simple-snippets.SnippetTable

    The global snippet table.

  • expand: fun(): boolean

    If there is a snippet name before the cursor, expand it.

  • expand_or_jump: fun(): nil

    Same as the above, but if no snippet was expanded, jump to the next snippet tabstop.

  • enable_expand_completed_snippets: fun(): nil

    Enable the expansion of completed snippets, such as those provided by language servers, or this plugin's complete function.

  • disable_expand_completed_snippets: fun(): nil

    Opposite of the above.

  • complete: fun(): nil

    Display available snippets in a popup-menu, and expand the selection. Expansion of completed snippets must be enabled for this to work!

  • add: fun(snippets: simple-snippets.SnippetTable): nil

    Marge snippets with the global snippet table.