HDNotificationView appears notification view like system.
- iOS 7.0+
Add two files HDNotificationView.h and HDNotificationView.m to your project.
Go ahead and import HDNotificationView to your file.
#import "HDNotificationView.h"
Show notification view with image (icon), title and message
+ (void)showNotificationViewWithImage:(UIImage *)image
title:(NSString *)title
message:(NSString *)message; /// isAutoHide = YES
+ (void)showNotificationViewWithImage:(UIImage *)image
title:(NSString *)title
message:(NSString *)message
isAutoHide:(BOOL)isAutoHide; /// onTouch = nil
+ (void)showNotificationViewWithImage:(UIImage *)image
title:(NSString *)title
message:(NSString *)message
onTouch:(void (^)())onTouch;
Hide notification view
+ (void)hideNotificationView;
+ (void)hideNotificationViewOnComplete:(void (^)())onComplete;
HDNotificationView is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for details.