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Releases: a-ludi/dentist


22 Sep 19:13
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[4.0.0] - 2022-09-02


  • include GIT commit in logs
  • script to generate report on closed and unclosed gaps
  • script mask2bed that converts Dazzler masks to BED files
  • JSON schema for config file
  • debugging output to track down issue #31


  • preserve original scaffold headers in output FASTA
  • ensure unique scaffold IDs in output
  • output FASTA names/coords in AGP
  • parallelized alignment filters
  • fail early measure against bug in libmaus2


  • added missing Python installation to Singularity image
  • treat long FASTA lines graciously
  • fixed rule validate_dentist_config
  • fixed install instructions Snakemake profile
  • fixed bug with newer versions of Snakemake
  • include Python files in GIT repo
  • close open LAS file asap
  • fixed JSON conversion of AlignmentChain
  • workaround for Phobos v2.099.0 bug
  • fixed compiler error
  • treat compiler warning

[3.0.0] - 2021-12-09

09 Dec 17:25
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[3.0.0] - 2021-12-09


  • Conda packages dentist and dentist-core
  • DENTIST's configuration may be in YAML format
  • print summary of all commands with dentist --commands
  • user may select the maximum alignment error rate
  • note on a known bug that prohibits using :: in FASTA headers
  • online API documentation
  • included the demo example into the main repo
  • included JQ in the container for easy inspections
  • minimal integration tests that cover the whole pipeline


  • substantially extended code documentation
  • improved documentation of read-coverage and friends
  • improved error message if no pile ups have been found
  • using a fixed version for Containers to avoid caching issues
  • renamed workflow parameter max_threadsthreads_per_process
  • keep assertions in production code
  • allow empty LAS files for masking
  • improved pre-push hook to reduce accidental errors


  • Docker container; now building directly Singularity image
  • outdated integration tests
  • deprecated and unused code
  • obsolete testing command translocate-gaps


  • improved compatibility of pre-compiled binaries by using Conda package
  • make alignments with more than 2^^32 local alignments work
  • minor compatibility fixes in the container
  • broken links in README
  • replaced defintion list by simple list in README

[2.0.0] - 2021-06-21

22 Jun 09:22
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  • list of all commandline options
  • example for a greedy DENTIST configuration
  • guide on how to release a new version of DENTIST (work in progress)


  • release v1.0.1 contained breaking changes so this release updates to v2.0.0:
    the changes to the workflow make it incompatible with old configuration files
  • moved Docker image to Ubuntu and reduced size
  • improved compatibility of pre-compiled binaries by compiling on Ubuntu 16.04
  • sort read IDs in insertions.db to make AGP and BED files comparable
  • allow --min-*-coverage in dentist mask-repetitive-regions to be zero
  • avoid confusing message about pre-fetching the Singularity image if possible
  • updated README


  • unused argument for process-pile-ups
  • replaced by regular Dockerfile


  • fixed ProtectedOutputException bug that was listed in the Troubleshooting
    section of the README
  • sort LAS files for daccord without chaining
  • buffer overflow in propagate-mask
  • adjust read-coverage in example configuration to actual coverage in the
    example dataset

[1.0.2] - 2021-04-26

26 Apr 13:05
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  • provide pre-built binaries of DENTIST and all dependencies in release tarball
  • included unit tests in Docker build
  • page


  • Improved README a lot
  • Updated dependencies
  • Removed LAcheck from the workflow beacuse it is useless
    (see issue 14)


  • Compiler error and deprecation warnings

v1.0.1 - 2021-02-22

24 Feb 10:38
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  • A wonderful logo :-)


  • Updated README and other docs
  • Some jobs in the workflow are grouped to reduce the number of cluster jobs
  • Workflow requires a minimum Snakemake version
  • Ignoring unused parameter in process-pile-ups; will be removed in next
    major release
  • Disentangled workflow configuration for better usability and less build time
    for Sakemake's DAG


  • Old documentation parts/details


  • Sporadically lost masked regions in mask homogenization
  • Handling of cyclic scaffolds
  • Overly strict handling of types in DENTIST's config file
  • Several minor bugs

v1.0.0 - 2020-02-04

04 Feb 14:49
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  • A Docker container! This means you can just --use-singularity with
  • Workflow rule to just produce all the repeat masks (this is used in the
    paper to calculate the repeat content of the assemblies)
  • Automatic validation of the closed gaps with an alignment of the reads
    against a preliminary gap-closed assembly:
    • Added command bed2mask
    • Optionally write a BED file of closed gaps
    • Added command validate-regions
    • Added interface for reading/writing Dazzler track extras which is
      utilized to communicate the contig and read IDs between output and
  • Extensively documented the example workflow config ./snakemake/snakemake.yml
  • Local alignment chaining via command chain-local-alignments and internally
  • Using chaining to filter/improve pile up alignments
  • Added possibility to revert CLI options via --revert
  • All multi-valued CLI options take their value from a comma-separated list
    and/or by giving the same option multiple times
  • Added full_validation flag to workflow to keep the preliminary assembly
    and validation results
  • Added no_purge_output flag to workflow to prevent the automatic skipping
    of invalid gaps; this also will not trigger the validation if not requested
  • Possibility to lazily read local alignments from .las file
  • Greatly improved performance of reading .las files by switching to binary
  • Possibility to manually skip filling of gaps
  • DBdust for improved sensitivity in alignments
  • Homogenized masks implemented via new command propagate-mask which
    translates a given mask via an alignment from one DB/DAM to another. The
    masks are propagated from the assembly to the reads and back to gain

v1.0.0-beta.3 - 2020-07-23

23 Jul 10:13
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  • Always skip file locking with environment variable SKIP_FILE_LOCKING=1

v1.0.0-beta.2 - 2020-07-23 (public beta)

23 Jul 09:47
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  • Allow use of environment variables in Snakemake workflow config
  • Avoid appending to DBs by design
  • Improved README:
    • Advice on how to choose parameters
    • Advice on how to run DENTIST with different read types
    • Version information to dependencies
  • Log level information to log messages
  • More logging on failed gap closing


  • Simplified usage of --workdir: no need to manually create
    the designated directory
  • Improvements to close more gaps:
    • Custom pre-consensus alignment filtering
    • Add support sequence to cropped reads to ensure daligner finds alignments
    • Allow cropping in masked region if necessary
    • Selectively ignore repeat mask to allow post consensus alignments
    • Increased sensitivity in pileup alignments by adding the bridging option
      of daligner
  • Select reference read for consensus by intrinsic QVs → better
    consensus quality
  • Moved flag --max-insertion-error from process to output stage so
    trying different values becomes much faster
  • Automatically deduce trace point spacing in all places
  • Faster check if .las files are empty → faster CLI options checking
  • Naming of temporary files for easier inspection
  • Use DBdust for post consensus alignment
  • Produce .db for cropped pileups (temporary files) to make DAScover
    and DASqv work
  • Removed -I option from daligner calls (avoid useless alignment)


  • Several bugs in Snakemake workflow
  • Significantly improved number of closed gaps
  • Coordinates in AGP output
  • Bug in procedure that identifies a good cropping position
  • Error that caused --proper-alignment-allowance to have no effect by default

v1.0.0-beta.1] - 2020-03-17 (public beta)

17 Mar 15:38
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  • post-consensus alignment and validation with new parameter
  • inserted sequences are highlighted by upper-case letters which can be
    turned off with --no-highlight-insertions
  • batch ranges may end with a $ indicating the end of the pileup DB
  • some mechanisms for early error detection
  • write duplicate contig IDs to contig alignment cache for easier debugging
  • added support for complementary contig alignments in check-results
  • allow .db databases as reference
  • improved version reporting
  • updated README with additional instructions


  • integrated Snakemake workflow into a single file and removed "testing"
  • cropping and splicing of insertions:
    • existing sequence is completely retained
    • moved from process-pile-ups to output
    • binary format of insertions DBs (breaking change) to gain more freedom
      in later steps
    • splice sites are chosen based on the post-consensus alignments
  • ambiguities in the alignment of reads are now detected globally
  • weakly anchored alignments are discarded early in the filtering pipeline
  • the self- and read-alignment-based masks are now computed separately
  • coverage values may now be fractional
  • improved README by adhering to Standard Readme
  • better (error) reporting
  • temporary files have more informative names
  • many minor refactorings and extensions


  • combined self- and read-alignment-based masking: old behvaiour can be copied
    by using the --mask parameter and supplying both masks to all commands


  • trying all possible reference reads for consensus in order to find a
    non-failing reference
  • corrected insertion splicing in case of reverse-complement alignment of the
  • bug that caused check-results to discard all alignments in certain loci
  • added missing logic for cropped contigs in getGapState in check-results

v0.0.1 (thesis version)

03 Jan 11:13
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  • work-around for damapper bug
  • histograms generated by check-results include a column for .999 sequence identity
  • check-results optionally writes a detailed gap report


  • simplified the coverage bounds interface of mask-repetitive-regions: only max-values and/or the read coverage are required
  • improve consensus quality by using lasfilteralignments to remove deteriorating local alignments
  • reduced value of --min-reads-per-pile-up to --min-spanning-reads (default: 3) to better work with extremely low coverage
  • reduced the default minimum anchor length to 500
  • fix & simplify score function for read alignments
  • suppress generation of two las files for reads alignment in generate-dazzler-options
  • insertion DBs do not include information about existing contigs anymore which makes validation of results easier
  • renamed debug-graphdebug-scaffold for clarity
  • added logging for discarded pile ups
  • check-results counts complementary alignments (inversions) as errors
  • remove leading/trailing gaps from all checks by check-results
  • improved quality of documentation