Example CI/CD pipeline for Serverless framework based on GitLab.
- Linting
- Unit testing
- e2e testing against deployed APIs
- Multiple environment dev, staging, live
- Dev environments deployed per branch
- Destroy old environments via the Operations > Environments
- Security dependency scanning
- Static application security testing
- Test coverage metrics
- Monitoring
- Middy middleware for input validation and helpers
You need to build the docker image if you don't want to use the default
- check the registry tab in the project on GitLab for instructions
Requires environmental variables from IAM user created for deployments:
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID with the new user’s access key
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with the new user’s access secret key
Requires environmental variable for monitoring (Other solutions possible as they use a similar method of being configured in the serverless.yml file)
- Disable committing to master and only allow changes by merging via branches
Make sure you have these two installed before you start.
You also needserverless installed.
yarn global add serverless
yarn install
Run unit tests:
yarn unit
Run linting and auto correct errors:
yarn lint
Version bump
yarn upgrade --latest
Dry run of a deploy, useful for finding errors:
sls deploy -s dev -v --noDeploy
Deploy to the environment at the stage dev:
sls deploy -s dev
Shutdown the environment at the stage dev
sls remove -s dev
Build a webpack complied version into the dist folder but do nothing with it, useful for debugging webpack issues and checking builds are correct:
sls webpack -out dist
Get cloudwatch logs via command line for a specific function:
sls logs -f featureOne -s dev
If you want to run builds locally to test you need to configure environmental variables for DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME and IOPIPE_TOKEN
export IOPIPE_TOKEN=DoesNotHaveToBeValidUnlessDeploying
Note: On the todo list to improve handling of configuration variables
Main purpose of this was to try and setup a fairly feature complete serverless CI/CD pipeline for GitLab, however, there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Feel free.