An AirBnB clone.
HolbertonBnB is a complete RESTful web application, integrating file and database (MySQL) storage in a back-end API with front-end interfacing in a clone of AirBnB. The front-end is designed using HTML5/CSS3 and is served using Python Flask. The application is configured on a distributed system - two web servers and one load balancer - with Nginx and HAProxy.
HolbertonBnB is still in active development, with complete functionality set to deploy in the coming month:
- Complete integration of a RESTful API
- Full configuration of website with domain name
- Serving of dynamic content using JavaScript
HolbertonBnB supports the following classes:
BaseModel | FileStorage | User | State | City | Amenity | Place | Review | |
PUBLIC INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES | id created_at updated_at |
Inherits from BaseModel |
Inherits from BaseModel |
Inherits from BaseModel |
Inherits from BaseModel |
Inherits from BaseModel |
Inherits from BaseModel |
all new save reload |
"" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" |
PUBLIC CLASS ATTRIBUTES | email password first_name last_name |
name |
state_id name |
name |
city_id user_id name description number_rooms number_bathrooms max_guest price_by_night latitude longitude amenity_ids |
place_id user_id text |
PRIVATE CLASS ATTRIBUTES | file_path objects |
The default mode.
In FileStorage mode, every time the backend is initialized, HolbertonBnB instantiates an instance of FileStorage called storage. The storage object is loaded/re-loaded from any class instances stored in the JSON file file.json. As class instances are created, updated, or deleted, the storage object is used to register corresponding changes in the file.json.
The HolbertonBnB console can be run both interactively and non-interactively. To run the console in non-interactive mode, pipe any command(s) into an execution of the file at the command line.
EOF all count create destroy help quit show update
(hbnb) $
Alternatively, to use the HolbertonBnB console in interactive mode, run the file by itself:
$ ./
Remember, the console can be run with storage instantiated in either FileStorage or DBStorage mode. The above examples instantiate FileStorage by default, but DBStorage can be instantiated like so:
While running in interactive mode, the console displays a prompt for input:
$ ./ (hbnb)
To quit the console, enter the command quit, or input an EOF signal (ctrl-D).
$ ./ (hbnb) quit $
$ ./ (hbnb) EOF $
The HolbertonBnB console supports the following commands:
- Usage: create <param 1 name>=<param 1 value> <param 2 name>=<param 2 value> ...
Creates a new instance of a given class. The class' ID is printed and the instance is saved to the file file.json. When passing parameter key/value pairs, any underscores contained in value strings are replaced by spaces.
$ ./ (hbnb) create BaseModel 119be863-6fe5-437e-a180-b9892e8746b8 (hbnb) (hbnb) create State name="California" (hbnb) quit $ cat file.json ; echo "" {"BaseModel.119be863-6fe5-437e-a180-b9892e8746b8": {"updated_at": "2019-02-17T2 1:30:42.215277", "created_at": "2019-02-17T21:30:42.215277", "class": "Base Model", "id": "119be863-6fe5-437e-a180-b9892e8746b8"}, {'id': 'd80e0344-63eb-43 4a-b1e0-07783522124e', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 10, 4, 41, 7, 842160), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 10, 4, 41, 7, 842235), 'name ': 'California'}}
- Usage: show or .show()
Prints the string representation of a class instance based on a given id.
$ ./ (hbnb) create User 1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46 (hbnb) (hbnb) show User 1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46 [User] (1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46) {'id': '1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-a c3240b29f46', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828)} (hbnb) (hbnb) [User] (1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46) {'id': '1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-a c3240b29f46', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828)} (hbnb)
- Usage: destroy or .destroy()
Deletes a class instance based on a given id.
$ ./ (hbnb) create State d2d789cd-7427-4920-aaae-88cbcf8bffe2 (hbnb) create Place 3e-8329-4f47-9947-dca80c03d3ed (hbnb) (hbnb) destroy State d2d789cd-7427-4920-aaae-88cbcf8bffe2 (hbnb) Place.destroy(03486a3e-8329-4f47-9947-dca80c03d3ed) (hbnb) quit $ cat file.json ; echo "" {}
- Usage: all or all or .all()
Prints the string representations of all instances of a given class. If no class name is provided, the command prints all instances of every class.
$ ./ (hbnb) create BaseModel fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8 (hbnb) create BaseModel 450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99 (hbnb) create User b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81 (hbnb) create User 8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe (hbnb) (hbnb) all BaseModel ["[BaseModel] (450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99) {'updated_at': datetime.da tetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2 , 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'id': '450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99'}", "[Bas eModel] (fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime (2019, 2, 17, 21, 43, 56, 899348), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 43, 56, 899348), 'id': 'fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8'}"] (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() ["[User] (8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe) {'updated_at': datetime.datetim e(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17 , 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'id': '8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe'}", "[User] (b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2 , 17, 21, 44, 15, 974608), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 15, 974608), 'id': 'b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81'}"] (hbnb) (hbnb) all ["[User] (8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe) {'updated_at': datetime.datetim e(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17 , 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'id': '8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe'}", "[BaseMo del] (450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(20 19, 2, 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'id': '450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99'}", "[User] (b742db c3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 2 1, 44, 15, 974608), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 15, 97 4608), 'id': 'b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81'}", "[BaseModel] (fce2124c-8 537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 4 3, 56, 899348), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 43, 56, 899348 ), 'id': 'fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8'}"] (hbnb)
- Usage: count or .count()
Retrieves the number of instances of a given class.
$ ./ (hbnb) create Place 12c73223-f3d3-4dec-9629-bd19c8fadd8a (hbnb) create Place aa229cbb-5b19-4c32-8562-f90a3437d301 (hbnb) create City 22a51611-17bd-4d8f-ba1b-3bf07d327208 (hbnb) (hbnb) count Place 2 (hbnb) city.count() 1 (hbnb)
- Usage: update ""
Updates a class instance based on a given id with a given key/value attribute pair or dictionary of attribute pairs. If update is called with a single key/value attribute pair, only "simple" attributes can be updated (ie. not id, created_at, and updated_at).
$ ./ (hbnb) create User 6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02 (hbnb) (hbnb) update User 6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02 first_name "Holberton" (hbnb) show User 6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02 [User] (6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02) {'created_at': datetime.datetime( 2019, 2, 17, 21, 54, 39, 234382), 'first_name': 'Holberton', 'updated_at': date time.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 54, 39, 234382), 'id': '6f348019-0499-420f-8eec- ef0fdc863c02'} (hbnb)
Unittests for the HolbertonBnB project are defined in the tests folder. To run the entire test suite simultaneously, execute the following command:
$ python3 unittest -m discover tests
Alternatively, you can specify a single test file to run at a time:
$ python3 unittest -m tests/
- Zeynal Mustafayev <ZeynalMustafayev>
- Ravan Aliyev <ravan-Aliyev>