Swift Package library to generate stylized QR codes (SVG) from data or text.
CLI tool for macOS and Linux: QRGen-cli
Requires Swift toolchain version 5.5 or higher.
and QRGen.createRasterImage
require Apple's CoreImage
framework, which is not available on Linux.
// Example 1
let qrGen = QRGen()
let qrCode = try qrGen.generate(with: .text("http://example.org"))
let svg = qrGen.createSVG(qrCode: qrCode)
try svg.write(to: url, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
// Example 2
let qrGen = QRGen(
generatorType: .nayuki,
correctionLevel: .L,
minVersion: 1,
maxVersion: 3,
optimize: true,
strict: false,
style: .liquidDots,
pixelMargin: 0,
cornerRadius: 100,
ignoreSafeAreas: false,
noShapeOptimization: false
let geoContent = QRContent.geo(coordinates: .init(latitude: 40.71872, longitude: -73.98905), altitude: nil)
let qrCode = try qrGen.generate(with: .text(geoContent))
let size = qrCode.size
for y in 0..<size {
for x in 0..<size {
let character = qrCode[x, y] ? "⬛️" : "⬜️"
print(character, terminator: "")