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Vapor template for services

Swift 5.0 Vapor 3.3.0 Vapor template license platforms

⚠️ Under development... 🚧


You must have vapor toolbox installed to use this template, at least it helps.

For macOS

Vapor docs

Assuming you have Xcode installed, or swift setted up on your machine, run:

brew tap vapor/tap
brew install vapor/tap/vapor

For Ubuntu

Vapor docs

Assuming you have swift installed and configured on your machine, follow the following steps to install vapor

Add APT repo

eval "$(curl -sL"

Install vapor

sudo apt-get install swift vapor

Using this template

Vapor toolbox allows to start a new project by cloning a template

vapor new <service name> --template=youclap/vapor-template

To open the project in xcode, you have to generate a project

vapor xcode

which basicaly calls swift package generate-xcodeproj

Configuring the repository to use versioned hooks

git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig

The Structure

On going... 🚧


With ❤️ from YouClap Development team