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RNA edit detection (SAILOR) and peak calling (FLARE)


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FLagging Areas of RNA-editing Enrichment (FLARE)

We present FLagging Areas of RNA-editing Enrichment (FLARE), a Snakemake-based pipeline that uses a statistical approach to determine regions of enriched RNA editing, using SAILOR-derived editing sites as a starting point. FLARE is configurable for use with any type of base pair change – we include with this release of FLARE an update of SAILOR to enable detection of all edit types.


  • Your system must be at least Linux Centos7

  • Make sure that the environment your SAILOR and FLARE processing pipelines will be running on have snakemake installed (

  • You also will need to have Singularity installed for several steps of the pipeline to work. We have created singularity images containing all necessary python packages that will automatically be loaded for you in the course of running the pipeline, as long as your system has singularity installed.

Running the SAILOR (edit site finding) snakemake pipeline

Before you start:

  • To get the known snps bedfile for all chromosome, download the appropriate individual chromosome bedfiles, for example from here:, then combine them all (remembering to remove any header lines, and retain only chrom start end columns), ie:

    for b in $(ls *.bed); do echo $b; tail -n+2 $b | cut -f1,2,3  | sort >> mm10_dbsnp_combined.bed3; done

    Make sure that your chromosome nomenclature is the same as in the fasta file you are using ("chr1" vs "1")! This file should then contain lots of lines like this, tab-separated, without headers:

    1 1334235 1334236 ...


All SAILOR configuration information must be saved in a .json file with the following contents:

  "samples_path": "/path/to/aligned/bams/",
  "samples": [
  "reverse_stranded": true,
  "reference_fasta": "/path/to/fasta/used/to/align/genome.fa",
  "known_snps": "/path/to/known/common/snps/file/for/organism/in/chrom/start/end/format/b151_GRCh38p7_common.bed3",
  "edit_type": "CT", (or "AG", "TC", etc.)
  "output_dir": "/path/to/output/directory"

Create your .json config file and call it something sensible based on your experiment, for example 'sailor.json'. Multiple .bam files contained in one directory can be processed with one run of the SAILOR pipeline.

In order to run a snakemake pipeline, there a few parameters that snakemake needs to know about. The first is which Snakefile to use -- the Snakefile contains the instructions for running each step of the pipeline, and for the SAILOR pipeline will be found at your local version of /FLARE/workflow_sailor/Snakefile. The second is which config file to use -- this is the config file you just created, which contains the parameters particular to your run of the pipeline. Always absolute paths. You will also need to tell snakemake to use singularity, and specify singularity arugments allowing the virtual environments to have access to your local filesystem -- the "bind" parameters should reflect locations that the pipeline should have access to, for example folders containing relevant input bams, fastas, gtfs or dbsnp files. So, an example snakemake run could like like the following:

snakemake --snakefile /full/path/to/FLARE/workflow_sailor/Snakefile --configfile /full/path/to/your/config/file/sailor.json --verbose --use-singularity --singularity-args '--bind /home --bind /projects' -j1

However, this will launch the snakemake pipeline on your head node, and all subsequent snakemake jobs (which can number into the hundreds depending on how many samples you are processing) will also be run there.

Instructions on HPCC (cluster with submission):

If you have access to a high performance compute cluster, you probably want jobs to be automatically submitted to this system instead so that you can take full advantage of the parallelization built into this pipeline, especially if you are analyzing many samples. Cluster submission information can be placed into a "profile" file. In this case, you can model your profile file on the file at /full/path/to/FLARE/profiles/tscc_sailor/config.yaml, which by default has the following contents:

cluster: "qsub -N {rule}.{wildcards} -l nodes=1:ppn={params.threads},walltime={params.run_time} -A yeo-group -q home -V -t 0"
verbose: true
notemp: false
latency: 300
printshellcmds: true
directory: .
snakefile: /path/to/FLARE/workflow_sailor/Snakefile
use-singularity: true
singularity-args: '--bind /oasis --bind /projects --bind /home'
jobs: 8
skip-script-cleanup: true
singularity-prefix: /projects/ps-yeolab4/software/stamp/0.99.0/bin/.singularity
nolock: true
  • Change "cluster" to be relevant to your cluster system, specifically changing the names of the parameters to match your system's requirements.
    • When in doubt, just hardcode the nodes (in this example 'ppn') to be equal to 1 and run time (in this example 'walltime') values at 5 hours. You can increase the walltime value if your job is running out of time.
  • Change "directory" to be the full path to the directory where you want log files for each step to be deposited during the snakemake run
  • Change "snakefile" to the absolute path for your version of the workflow_sailor Snakefile, as mentioned earlier
  • Change "singularity-args" to include the correct directory binding relevant to your system so snakemake can find all necessary files
  • Change "singularity-prefix" to reflect the absolute path to where you want the singularity images used for the run to be stored (should have a lot of space)
  • Change "jobs" to reflect the maximum number of jobs you want submitted to your cluster simulataneously

Put your profile configuration .yaml file in a new folder you can call /full/path/to/FLARE/profiles/my_profile/, for example. With more run information tucked away into the profile file, the snakemake launch command becomes simpler as it can reference the parameters from this profile file (note that it is actually the folder containing the profile.yaml file that is specified, not the file itself):

snakemake --profile /full/path/to/FLARE/profiles/my_profile/ --configfile /full/path/to/your/config/file/sailor.json

Running that command should launch your SAILOR run. An example set of completed outputs from a successful SAILOR run, using the small .bam file and config inputs found in the "examples" folder, looks like this. Note that these folders may not necessarily appear chronologically in an order matching their number. The final outputs are the .ranked.bed files.


Running the FLARE (cluster identification) snakemake pipeline

FLARE can be run in two modes:

  • Cluster Identification Mode:
      • Determines edit cluster locations along with a confidence score for prioritizing and filtering clusters
  • Edit Fraction Mode:
      • Calculates edit fractions within predetermined genomic regions

To give a scenario where you might find the second mode of use, let's say you are comparing editing between two samples, A and B, expected to have different levels of editing, or different edited locations. You would first use the Cluster Identification Mode to find the edit clusters in A and B. Then, after inspecting the resulting clusters and possibly filtering them, you can make a merged regions file containing the union of edited regions found in A and B. Then, you'd run FLARE again for each sample, but this time in Edit Fraction mode, providing this merged regions file as a parameter. This would generate, for each sample, an output file containing the edit fraction at each of the regions in the merged regions. Downstream analyses can then be implemented to assess statistical significance of differential editing at the same loci across samples or conditions.

Before you start:

To run the FLARE pipeline, you will first need a set of files specifying the genomic regions in which cluster identification will occur. To generate these files, use the script in workflow_FLARE/scripts called

Copy this script to wherever you'd like to generate the helper files, which will be take up about 8-10 GB of space. Then run the script by typing <full/path/to/your/genome/gtf/file> <genome_name>_regions

The .gtf file you use should include gene and exon level information, i.e. the third column should at least contain the descriptors "gene" and "exon."

If using the following command, for example: <full/path/to/your/genome/gtf/mm10.gtf > mm10_regions

Once the script finishes running, you will see a new folder called mm10_regions, and within that folder a slew of files with increasing indices, i.e. mm10_regions_0, mm10_regions_1...


All FLARE configuration information must be saved in a .json file with the following contents:

Cluster Identification Mode

    "label": "label_for_this_sample",
    "output_folder": "/absolute/path/to/folder/outputs_where_all_samples_will_be_placed/FLARE_outputs/",
    "stamp_sites_file": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/this_sample.bam.combined.readfiltered.formatted.varfiltered.snpfiltered.ranked.bed",
    "forward_bw": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/8_bw_and_bam/",
    "reverse_bw": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/8_bw_and_bam/",
    "fasta": "/path/to/fasta/used/to/align/genome.fa",
    "regions": "/absolute/path/to/regions/folder",  # Generated using the script described above
    "edit_type": "CT", (or "AG", "TC", etc.-- should be same as what was used in SAILOR run)
    "bam": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/8_bw_and_bam/this_sample.sortedByCoord.out.bam_filtered_merged.sorted.bam"
    "keep_all": false

Note This specifies parameters for FLARE for only one sample. Four of the inputs to the FLARE pipeline are SAILOR outputs for this sample, and of those, three are specifically contained in the 8_bw_and_bam folder from that SAILOR run. Other than that, you must specify the edit type (should be the same as whatever was specified for the SAILOR run), a label for your sample, the overall output folder where you want the FLARE folder for this sample to be generated, and the fasta that was used to align the genome (same sample as was used for the SAILOR run).

Note: keep_all should be false, and a regions directory must be specified

Edit Fraction Mode

    "label": "label_for_this_sample",
    "output_folder": "/absolute/path/to/folder/outputs_where_all_samples_will_be_placed/FLARE_outputs/",
    "stamp_sites_file": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/this_sample.bam.combined.readfiltered.formatted.varfiltered.snpfiltered.ranked.bed",
    "forward_bw": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/8_bw_and_bam/",
    "reverse_bw": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/8_bw_and_bam/",
    "fasta": "/path/to/fasta/used/to/align/genome.fa",
    "regions_file": "/absolute/path/to/regions/file",  # See note below about formatting for the regions file
    "edit_type": "CT", (or "AG", "TC", etc.-- should be same as what was used in SAILOR run)
    "bam": "/absolute/path/to/sailor/output/8_bw_and_bam/this_sample.sortedByCoord.out.bam_filtered_merged.sorted.bam"
    "keep_all": true 

Note: keep_all should be true, and a regions file must be specified

The regions file used for Edit Fraction Mode is not a typical bed file. It should be tab-separated and the same column headers as in the following example:

region_id       chrom   start   end     strand
A               1       783678  783708  +
B               1       783753  783843  +
C               1       784475  784520  +
D               1       804189  804222  +
E               1       826656  826686  -
F               1       996371  996416  -

Use the to set up configuration .json files for multiple samples

If you are identifying clusters for many samples, it will be too time consuming to manually create .json files for each sample. Instead, use the provided script, which can be found in workflow_FLARE/scripts, to generate all .json files simultaneously.

  • First create a new folder where these .jsons will be stored.

  • Also create a folder where all FLARE outputs will be stored.

  • Then, call the script using the following parameters:

    python <path_to_sailor_output_folder> <path_to_new_folder_where_jsons_will_be_placed> <path_to_new_folder_where_FLARE_outputs_will_be_placed> <path_to_fasta_used_for_alignment> <edit_type (i.e. CT or AG)> <fdr_threshold (default 0.1)> <--cluster_identification_regions_folder CLUSTER_IDENTIFICATION_REGIONS_FOLDER OR --edit_fraction_regions_file EDIT_FRACTION_REGIONS_FILE>

Once this completes, you will have one .json file for each sample successfully processed by SAILOR.

Launch the snakemake job

Using the same config.yaml file you made previously to launch your sailor run, you can then launch the FLARE pipeline similarly for each sample: snakemake --profile /full/path/to/FLARE/profiles/my_profile/ --configfile /full/path/to/your/config/file/FLARE_info_for_this_sample.json

This will create a new folder within the folder you specified at the "output_folder" parameter. Within that folder, a series of subfolders will be created as the job runs. The ultimate output you should expect will end up looking like this:

        > label_for_this_sample
            > ...
        > label_for_this_sample_editc.bedgraph
        > label_for_this_sample
            > label_for_this_sample_edit_c_for_all_regions_0_all_info.filtered_regions.tsv
            > label_for_this_sample_edit_c_for_all_regions_0_all_info.tsv
            > ...
            > label_for_this_sample_edit_c_for_all_regions_number_of_regions_all_info.filtered_regions.tsv
            > label_for_this_sample_edit_c_for_all_regions_number_of_regions_0_all_info.tsv
        > label_for_this_sample
            > label_for_this_sample.fdr_0.1.d_15.edit_fraction.filtered_regions.tsv
            > label_for_this_sample.fdr_0.1.d_15.edit_fraction.tsv
            > label_for_this_sample.fdr_0.1.d_15.merged.bed
            > label_for_this_sample.fdr_0.1.d_15.regions

The final scored clusters are found within the FLARE folder, in this example label_for_this_sample.fdr_0.1.d_15.scored.tsv.

Output format

The columns in the final scored files are:

  • chrom - Chromosome
  • start - Start coordinate
  • end - End coordinate
  • edit_fraction - Fraction of target bases edited
  • strand - Strand
  • target_bases - Number of target bases
  • edited_bases - Number of edited bases
  • num_edited_reads - Number of edited reads (at least one edit) overlapping region
  • total_reads_in_region - Number of reads overlapping region
  • fraction_reads_edited - Fraction of reads overlapping region with at least one edit
  • mean_depth - Mean coverage in region
  • num_substrate_bases - Number of editable bases the sequence which the region spans contains (i.e. when editing Cs, region sequence AACTAGACTGGC would yield 3)
  • score - Negative binomial-derived score for cluster, useful in prioritizing clusters


RNA edit detection (SAILOR) and peak calling (FLARE)







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