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Web React Template

  • Webpack version: 5+
  • React version: 18+
  • NodeJS version: 18+

High scalable solution for Frontend development based on webpack-must-have template

How to run project

  1. Open project in VSCode (for example)
  2. Run command npm i in terminal (console) for installing all required packages (Node.js is required:
  3. For building project you can use the following commands:
    • npm run build-prod - building production version (minimized and optimized). The project will be builded into build folder. You can change destination in webpack.common.js (line 19)
    • npm run build-dev - building development version
    • npm run serve - building development hot-reloaded version with webpack-dev-server

How to install packages for CI/CD

  • Before build without lint use npm ci --ignore-scripts --omit=optional --omit=peer

  • Before lint with auto-fix use npm i --ignore-scripts

  • Explanation for package.json

    • devDependencies - packages for dev & prod build (so for prod need dependencies + devDependencies)
    • dependencies - UI (client-side) packages
    • optionalDependencies - packages for linters & development (webpack-dev-server, ESLint, StyleLint etc.)

Recommended VSCode extensions


  • Lint. Integrated the most popular linters: ESlint, StyleLint
  • BrowserList. All required browsers are pointed in .browserslistrc, so project will be compiled according to required browsers (babel, postcss, styleLint uses this file)
  • BrowserList. StyleLint. Integrated no-unsupported-browser-features, so during the css,scss-coding styleLint will show on-css rule that unsupported (according to .browserslistrc)
  • MockServer. For mocking api responses integrated webpack-mock-server that supports JS,TS and hot-replacement:
  • Styles. Integrated CSS-Modules and postcss-autoprefixer, postcss-normalize, CssMinimizerPlugin (uses css-nano for production build)
  • All packages optimized for CI/CD. See CI/CD section
  • Perfect forms with web-ui-pack
  • Global nameof function + webpack loader to strict tie controls with Interfaces (TS lacks nameof by default)
  • Global helper cx to allow use React.className with arrays
  • Prepared for using with multiple languages: see ./helpers/lang.ts section


  • Impossible to install anything with npm i

    check if your NodeJS version matches with pointed in package.json: engines.node section (use NVM to easy manage NodeJS versions)

  • Impossible to run scripts from package.json

    try to change backslashes (npm-cli issue that flows between versions time to time) from .\\node_modules\\.bin\\webpack serve --open --config webpack.devServer.js" to ./node_modules/.bin/webpack serve --open --config webpack.devServer.js"