This project is designed for the automated pre-precessing, extracting of EEG epochs, and generating ERPs in the Confirmation Bias experiment.
- Extract EEG epochs under specific conditions.
- Preprocess and analyze the epochs.
These instructions will help you to set up and run the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone the repo Open MATLAB Run the script - main.m
Modify the folderPath
and subjectID
to ensure that all data is stored in the same folder, named with 'S' followed by a number (e.g., S1, S2, etc.). Ensure that each folder contains a file named 'Sx_cleaned.set' (where x is the subject number). Running the code will automatically retrieve epochs for all conditions, facilitating subsequent group-level analysis.
Example: Set the folderPath and subjectID in the script. Ensure each subject folder contains 'Sx_cleaned.set'. Execute the script for epoch extraction.
Please read [] for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Yangyulin Ai - Initial work - [YangyulinAi]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [] file for details.
- Dr. Avinash Singh
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Anyone who uses and tests the project
本项目是为了Confirmation Bias项目进行Epoch的自动化提取。
- 提取特定条件的 EEG Epochs。
- 对 Epochs 进行预处理和分析。
克隆仓库 打开 MATLAB 运行脚本
修改 folderPath 和 subjectID,确保全部的数据存储在同一个以 'S' 加数字命名的文件夹下。确保每一个文件夹下都有一个以 'Sx_cleaned.set' 命名的文件(其中x为受试者编号)。运行代码,将自动获取所有条件下的epoch,帮助进行下一步的Group level分析。
例如: 在脚本中设置 folderPath 和 subjectID。 确保每个受试者文件夹中包含 'Sx_cleaned.set'。 执行脚本进行 Epoch 提取。
请阅读 []了解为该项目贡献的流程。
我们使用 SemVer 进行版本控制。
- Yangyulin Ai - 初始工作 - [YangyulinAi]
该项目根据 MIT 许可证授权 - 有关详细信息,请参阅 []文件。
- Dr. Avinash Singh
- 感谢所有为该项目提供帮助的人。
- 感谢使用和测试该项目的任何人。