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Nginx(proxy) - Django - Vue - Postgresql

Deploy Django using Nginx, Postgresql

  1. Deploy Django, Gunicorn, NGINX, Postgresql using Docker
  2. Serve Static Files by Nginx from Django using Docker
  3. Docker: Use Celery in Django(Redis as Broker)

% Postgresql would be used in production

Basic Usage

  1. First run make build inside root directory.
  2. Then run make build-vue on root directory. (See command 15.)
  3. At last run make up to start up the project for first time.

Checkout the commands section for more usage.


A default Django project resides in src directory. So, when you start the project, you will see the following screen in 8000 port:

Demo One

Also when you access the django container log via make log-web, you will see the following:

Demo Two


To use this project, run this commands:

  1. make up to make containers and start on background
  2. make build to build the project.
  3. make start to start containers if project has been up already.
  4. make down to stop containers.
  5. make shell-web to shell access web container.
  6. make shell-db to shell access db container.
  7. make shell-nginx to shell access nginx container.
  8. make logs-web to log access web container.
  9. make logs-db to log access db container.
  10. make logs-nginx to log access nginx container.
  11. make collectstatic to put static files in static directory.
  12. make log-web to log access web container.
  13. make log-db to log access db container.
  14. make log-nginx to log access nginx container.
  15. make build-vue make build.js file and copy to js directory