git clone ~/src/emacs-init
To try it out use
emacs -q -l ~/src/emacs-init/init.el
It should be mostly self contained, meaning that all files it fetches, creates and need should be in this directory. No guaranties though.
This emacs setup is inspired by and in part copied from emacs24-starter-kit. The latest version can be found at githubgit clone ~/src/emacs24-starter-kit
If you want to keep your regular ~/.emacs.d
in place and just launch
a single instance, using the starter kit, try the following invocation:
emacs -q -l ~/src/emacs24-starter-kit/init.el
file is where everything begins. It is loaded
automatically by Emacs on startup, its sole purpose is to load
the elisp code embedded in
. The Customization
below is a bit overkill but a leftover from the starter-kit
that I don’t feel needs to be removed.
- User specific config
- Your personal configuration information can
be stored in a user-specific-config file. This is the file named
after your user with the extensions
[2]. If you’re unsure of your user name evaluate the following code block to find out.echo $USER
If your configuration starts to feel cramped in a single file (although with the nested headlines of an Org-mode file, that could take a while) and you want to stretch your config’s legs, you can also create a directory named after your system user name. If a such a directory exists, it will be added to the load-path, and any elisp or org-mode w/embedded elisp files in it will be loaded.
- System specific config
- Finally, you may want to configure
different settings for different machines. The Emacs Init will
look for a file named after the current hostname ending in
which will allow host-specific configuration. If you’re unsure of your hostname the following can be executed to find out.hostname
- Installing more elisp libraries
- The easiest way to install new
libraries is through
- El-get
- (see El-get below).
- Emacs Lisp Package Archive
- (see Emacs Lisp Package Archive
below). When a library is not available through ELPA you
can grab it’s source and place it directly in the
directory. Any packages found there will automatically be added to your load-path when Emacs starts up. I also install packages through el-get.
git clone
This can be automated with a Lazy Install or Regular Install master branch, which is the default in this emacs-init. This is done in init.el for conveniance
To setup el-get the simple way one needs only to evaluate the following emacs lisp block;; So the idea is that you copy/paste this code into your *scratch* buffer,
;; hit C-j, and you have a working el-get.
(lambda (s)
(goto-char (point-max))
(setq el-get-dir (expand-file-name "el-get" emacs-init-dir))
(add-to-list 'load-path (concat emacs-init-dir "el-get/el-get"))
(unless (require 'el-get nil 'noerror)
(let (el-get-master-branch)
(goto-char (point-max))
(add-to-list 'el-get-recipe-path (concat emacs-init-dir "recipes"))
(el-get 'sync)
sub-directory of
this directory.