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1. Introduction

Scenario-Wise Rec, an open-sourced benchmark for Multi-Scenario/Multi-Domain Recommendation.


Dataset introduction
Dataset Domain number # Interaction # User # Item
MovieLens Domain 0 210,747 1,325 3,429
Domain 1 395,556 2,096 3,508
Domain 2 393,906 2,619 3,595
KuaiRand Domain 0 2,407,352 961 1,596,491
Domain 1 7,760,237 991 2,741,383
Domain 2 895,385 171 332,210
Domain 3 402,366 832 547,908
Domain 4 183,403 832 43,106
Ali-CCP Domain 0 32,236,951 89,283 465,870
Domain 1 639,897 2,561 188,610
Domain 2 52,439,671 150,471 467,122
Amazon Domain 0 198,502 22,363 12,101
Domain 1 278,677 39,387 23,033
Domain 2 346,355 38,609 18,534
Douban Domain 0 227,251 2,212 95,872
Domain 1 179,847 1,820 79,878
Domain 2 1,278,401 2,712 34,893
Mind Domain 0 26,057,579 737,687 8,086
Domain 1 11,206,494 678,268 1,797
Domain 2 10,237,589 696,918 8,284
Domain 3 9,226,382 656,970 1,804
Model introduction
Model model_name Link
Shared Bottom SharedBottom Link
SAR-Net sarnet Link
STAR star Link
M2M m2m Link
AdaSparse adasparse Link
AdaptDHM adaptdhm Link
EPNet ppnet Link
PPNet epnet Link

2. Installation

WARNING: Our package is still being modified and developed, so if there are usage problems, feel free to post issues.

Install via GitHub (Recommended)

First, clone the repo:

git clone


cd Scenario-Wise-Rec

then use pip to install our packages:

pip install .

3. Usage

We provide running scripts for users. See /scripts, and dataset samples are provided in /scripts/data. You could directly test it by simply do:

python --model [model_name]

For Full-Dataset download and test, refer to the following steps.

Step 1: Full Datasets Download

Four Multi-Scenario/Multi-Domain Datasets are provided. See the following table.

Dataset Domain Number Users Items Interaction Download
Movie-Lens 3 6k 4k 1M ML_Download
KuaiRand 5 1k 4M 11M KR_Download
Ali-CCP 3 238k 467k 85M AC_Download
Amazon 3 85k 54k 823k TR_Download
Douban 3 2k 210k 1.7M DB_Download
Mind 4 748k 20k 56M MD_Download

Substitute the full-dataset with sampled dataset.

Step 2: Run the code

python --dataset_path [path] --model_name [model_name] --device ["cpu"/"cuda:0"] --epoch [maximum epoch] --learning_rate [1e-3/1e-5] --batch_size [2048/4096] --seed [random seed] 

4. Build Your Own Multi-scenario Dataset/Model

We offer two template files and for a pipeline to help you to process different multi-scenario dataset and your own multi-scenario models.

Instructions on processing your dataset

See During the function get_example_dataset(input_path) to process your dataset. Be noted the feature "domain_indicator" is the feature to indicate domains. For other implementation details refer the file.

Instructions on building your model

See Where you could build your own model here, where we left two spaces for users to implement scenario-shared and scenario-specific models. We also leave comments on how to format the output dimension. Please refer to the file to see more details.

5. Contributing

We welcome any contribution that could help improve the benchmark, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also open an issue if you have any questions. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

6. Credits

Our framework is referred to Torch-RecHub. Thanks to their contribution.