GIVE US A STAR PLEASE MY SIR !!! | 请给我们一个 Star 求求了 !!!
GuGoTik is sixth practice project of ByteDance campus, themed of a micro TikTok backend.
If you want to learn more information, please wait util the competition finished. GuGoTik will provide the whole develop document, please give us a star~
English | 简体中文
Project Developer: This is a group of Contributors from all over the world, from WHU, HNU, NJUPT.
Special Thanks:
And the friends who can not participle in our development due to the personal things:
- docker: Built as basic image for project's dockerfile or kubernetes's basic infrastructure.
- scripts: Build scripts
- src: The source of the project
- constant: The project constant
- extra: The service being relied upon
- idl: idl
- models: Data model
- rpc: Rpc code
- services: Micro services instance
- storage: About storage
- utils: Utils code
- web: Gateway code
- test: Test of the project
- Others:Docker Compose file and demo env
- Redis (Cluster)
- PostgreSQL
- Consul
- OpenTelemetry Collector
- FFMpeg
- Go
- Jaeger
- Victoria Metrics
- Grafana
Profile Analysis:
- Pyroscope
RyzeBot of 梦想珈 will build image and push to kubernetes
The PR to Dev branch can be merged into the Master branch after the Action based UnitTest + Code Analysis + Lint + BuildCheck.
The Master branch will automatically trigger the CD, build the image and push it, and RyzeBot will complete the push to K8S for automatic deployment.
GuGoTik can automatically capture environement variables or provide them manually as .env files in the order of coverage:
.Env > environement variable > DefaultEnv > EmptyEnv (that is, null value is provided by default, and runtime special judgment is provided by GuGoTik)
Run the build-all script in the scripts folder, and then run the run-all script. Please select the script supported by your platform.
docker pull epicmo/gugotik:latest
After entering the container through the interactive end point, run the programs under the GateWay folder and the Services folder by yourself
Run in the project root directory:
Note: The relevant account password settings are viewed in the .env.docker.compose file
docker compose up -d