this little program checks all listed profiles which are located in $HOME/.aws/config against aws and proofs if they are valid configured. there is no really need for this kind of tool, but I just needed an reason for my first golang-coding
I provides following copmmandline-options:
- -h / -help showns the help
- -l list all profiles wthiout checking them profiles, which needs MFA are colored in red, others are not colored
- -n checks only this named profile
- -mfa checks all profiles which need MFA
- -nomfa checks all profiles which don't need MFA
- -a checks all profiles
- -e edit a existing profile
- -c helps you to create a new named profile
- aws-cli (
- go (
- external go-packages (provided as submodules):
- go build
show help
aws-profile-checker -h
Usage of aws-profile-checker:
-a check all profiles
-c create a new profile
-l only list the profiles
check only profiles that require MFA
-n string
check one named profile
check only profiles that don´t require MFA
list all profiles
aws-profile-checker -l
using config-file: /Users/Moe/.aws/config
check all profiles
aws-profile-checker -a
using config-file: /Users/Moe/.aws/config
1 Bart OK
2 Homer OK
3 Lisa OK
4 Maggie OK
5 Marge OK
check a named profile
aws-profile-checker -n Bart
using config-file: /Users/Moe/.aws/config
1 Bart OK
edit profile
aws-profile-checker -e
bulk add profiles
aws organizations list-accounts | aws-profile-checker
cat sample_accounts.json | aws-profile-checker