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WoTT CA Backend

Crash course in CFSSL

There's a good crash course that walks through the basics of how to get CFSSL up and running.


First, we need to fire up CFSSL locally to generate the root certificate. This certificate should ideally be generated in an air-gapped machine.

$ cd ca
$ docker build . -t wott-ca
$ docker network create wott
$ docker run --rm -ti  -v "$(pwd)":/csr -v $(dirname "$(pwd)")/ssl:/ssl wott-ca bash

Once you're inside the container, we can start generating certificates:

$ exit

You have now generated the required components for the CA server and should have the following files in the ../ssl directory:

  • root_ca-key.pem
  • root_ca.pem
  • intermediate_ca-key.pem
  • intermediate_ca.pem

It critical that you keep root_ca*.pem offline and not on any remote server as this allows the owner to generate any subsequent keys.

You now need to copy the intermediate_ca*.pem files to the remote server to setup ca0.wott.local.

To get launch the server, run:

$ docker run --rm -ti \
    --name wott-ca \
    --net wott \
    -v $(dirname "$(pwd)")/ssl/intermediate_ca-key.pem:/opt/wott/certs/intermediate_ca-key.pem:ro \
    -v $(dirname "$(pwd)")/ssl/intermediate_ca.pem:/opt/wott/certs/intermediate_ca.pem:ro \
    -p 8888:8888 \

Once deployed on the remote server you can use the same tool to generate the cert required for

$ cfssl gencert -ca /opt/wott/certs/intermediate_ca.pem -ca-key /opt/wott/certs/intermediate_ca-key.pem mtls-csr.json | cfssljson -bare mtls

Rotating the intermediate certificate

On the air gapped machine with the root certificates, take the following steps:

  • Launch into the container from the boostrapping step
  • Rename the old intermediate and add .bak or similar
  • Re-run and you should receive your new intermediate files

In a secure fashion (e.g. using an encrypted flash drive), copy the intermediate files along with cert-bundle.crt.

  • Copy the intermediate files to the CA server, and restart the server
  • Append the new intermediate certificate from cert-bundle.crt at the tail of api repo
  • Rotate the secret in the Nginx Ingress controller:
$ kubectl delete secret generic wott-ca -n api
$ kubectl create secret generic wott-ca -n api --from-file=ca.crt=backend/files/cert-bundle.crt


To verify that everything worked, make sure you spin up a new node and then verify that the certificate checks out both from a new and old node.

$ openssl verify -verbose -CAfile new-ca.crt  client.crt


WoTT PKI/CA backend component.







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