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Puyo Puyo for your browser.

JSPuyo gameplay


  • Free-for-all queue Game will start soon after 2+ players are in queue.
  • 1v1 Matchmaking No rating system currently implemented.
  • CPU Opponent More detailed options are described below.
  • Custom rooms Create a room with custom options, and give a join link ?joinRoom=<id> to your friends!
  • Support for 4+ players Only works for non-queue options (CPUs or custom rooms)
    • If you're experiencing lag, try reducing Intermediate Frames Shown in Settings to skip some frames from being rendered.

JSPuyo gameplay

CPU Options

CPU AIs supported:

  • Random (Fully random)
  • Tall (Frog stacking)
  • Flat (Tara stacking)
  • Chain (Looks for small chains)
  • Test (Strongest CPU)

If you're having trouble even with the basic CPUs, you can try lowering their speed.


  • Clone the repository using git clone.
  • Navigate into the local repository and install the required modules using npm install.
  • Run npm test to run the JS code through ESLint, stylelint and the unit tests. All builds will go through Travis CI, where this command is run.
  • Run npm run stylelint to get stylelint to automatically fix as many style issues as possible.

Running locally

  • Run npm run tsc to compile all the TypeScript files into JavaScript files.
  • Run npm start to bundle the files (using watchify, tsc and sass) and start node.
  • Type localhost:3000 into the browser to access the website. Query options can be appended as usual.

Seen any rare bugs lately?