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Paw Planner


  • React (ViteJS)
  • NodeJS
  • Typescript
  • Apollo (Client (via Vite) et Server)
  • TypeORM
  • TypeGraphQL
  • PostegreSQL
  • Docker
  • Biome : Biome is an alternative to ESLint and Prettier for ensuring code quality. It provides both linting and formatting in one tool.


Work in progress

  • Client: npm i on first launch + npm run dev

  • Server:

On first launch, create your PostgreSQL user, either inside your container (as explained right under) or through a PostgreSQL user interface such as pgAdmin.

To manage your database inside your container:

  1. Access Postgres in Docker:
docker exec -it pawplanner-db-1 psql -U postgres
  1. Create your user:
CREATE USER paw_planner_admin WITH PASSWORD '1234';
CREATE DATABASE paw_planner OWNER paw_planner_admin;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE paw_planner TO paw_planner_admin;

These informations must match the ones in your .env and Server/.env files.

Folder Structure

Work in progress

├── server/
└── client/
    ├── src/
    │   ├── components/
    │   ├── pages/
    │   └── App.tsx
    ├── .env
    └── .env.sample