Follow these steps to configure the slash command in Slack:
- Navigate to
- Select "Incoming Webhooks" and click on "Add Configuration".
- Select a default channel to post to and click on "Add Incomming Webhooks Integration".
- Copy the Webhook URL from the integration settings and use it in the next section.
- You can configure additional settings here. We also edited the following settings: - Descriptive Label: "Jira comments via AWS Lambda" - Customize Name: "Jira" - Customize Icon
- Create a KMS key -
aws kms create-key --description 'lambda secrets'
-aws kms create-alias --alias-name alias/lambda-secrets --target-key-id <key id>
- Encrypt the token using the AWS CLI=
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/lambda-secrets --cli-input-json '{"Plaintext": "<url>"}'
. - Copy the base-64 encoded, encrypted key (CiphertextBlob) to the
- Use
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the python dependencies. - Run
to create a deployment zip. - Go to to create a new Lambda Function
- Fill in the name (slack-jira-comments) and description and select the "Python 2.7" runtime.
- Select "Upload a .ZIP file" and upload ""
- Leave the Handler on 'lambda_function.lambda_handler' and select 'Create new role > *basic execution role' as Role.
- On the new page select 'Create a new IAM role' as 'IAM Role'. and 'slack_jira_comment' as Role Name. Use the following policy (Show Policy Document > Edit). You can get the ARN with
aws kms describe-key --key-id alias/lambda-secrets
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"<your KMS key ARN>"
8. Click on 'Next' and 'Create function' to create the lambda function.
### API Gateway Setup
1. Select the 'API endpoints' in the AWS Lambda configuration and Add an API endpoint. Use the following settings:
- API endpoint type: API Gateway
- API name: LambdaServices
- Resource name: /slack-jira-comments
- Method: POST
- Deployment stage: prod
- Security: Open
3. Open the API Gateway console and select /slack-jira-comments
4. Click on add resource to add a resource with the following settings:
- Resource Name: channel
- Resource Path: /slack-jira-comments/{channel}
5. Click on "Create Method" and add a 'POST' method with the following settings:
- Integration Type: Lambda Function
- Lambda Region: Your region
- Lambda Function: slack-jira-comments
4. Open 'Integration Request' settings. And add a mapping template:
- Content-type: application/json
- Mapping Template: `{ "channel": "$input.params('channel')", "body": $input.json("$") }`
5. Click on 'Deploy api' and update the 'prod' stage.
6. Write down the api endpoint so you can use it in the next step.
### Jira Setup
1. Go to https://<your-jira-server>/plugins/servlet/webhooks
2. Click on 'Create a webhook' and use thes settings:
- Name: "Send comments to slack"
- Status: Enabled
- URL: https://<api-endpoint>/slack-jira-comments/CHANNEL_NAME
- Description: "Send comments to Slack"
- Events: All issuues
- Issue: updated
## Update Your Deployment
To update the deployed version, edit the code in src, run `` and upload `` to the existing lambda function.