Email notifications for YI-Hack cameras
Copy yihmail into this directory:
Edit the YI-Hack autostart:
Add this example and restart your camera:
/tmp/sd/yi-hack/bin/yihmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u [email protected] -p 123456 -h > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Usage of yihmail:
yihmail -f -t -u -p -h [-n -m -r -i -w -s -v -z -e -l]
-f Email from.
example: [email protected]
-t Email to.
example: [email protected]
-u Account name.
example: [email protected] or only YourAccount
-p Account password.
-h SMTP host.
example: or
-n SMTP port.
(optional - default: 587)
-m Run permanently in background or send only one email.
If started as oneshot, exit status is 0 on success.
options: daemon, oneshot (optional - default: daemon)
-r Set the preferred resolution.
options: low, high, none (optional - default: low)
-i Get a RTSP link with public IP.
options: on, off (optional - default: off)
-w Waits in seconds between emails.
options: 0s - 99999s (optional - default: 600s)
-s To skip events choose initial letters (Motion, Sound, Human, Baby).
options: mshb (optional)
example for only motion events: shb
-v RTSP port.
(optional - default: 554)
-z Time zone fix, if you have a wrong time.
option hours: -23h to 23h (optional - default: 0h)
-e Set a custom oneshot event name.
(optional - default: none)
-l Use log file; available at: http://IP-CAM:8080/log/mail.txt
options: on, off (optional - default: off)