Weather forecast for the selected list of cities using third-party libraries
Display the weather forecast for several days ahead (the default value is set by the config)
Update with some frequency (set by the config)
Switch between cities using the "n", "p" keys
End the program by Esc
To increase / decrease the number of forecast days by pressing the "+", "-" keys
The list of cities, the update frequency, the number of forecast days must be defined in the config
- Open-Meteo for the weather forecast
- Api-Ninjas to determine the coordinates by the name of the city
- C++ requests to work with HTTP requests
- Nlohmann's json to parse JSONs
- FTXUI to create a user interface
- RapidXML to process the config in XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<City>Saint Petersburg, RU</City>
<City>Miami, US</City>
<City>Tokyo, JP</City>