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User Guide

Vivero edited this page May 16, 2018 · 5 revisions

This guide will be updated soon... some things are outdated/missing

The KerbalVR button on the application launcher is available in the following modes:

  • IVA, during any flight
  • VAB
  • SPH

Launch app

VAB / SPH Editor

Look for the KerbalVR button on the bottom-right of the screen.

Launch VAB app

Press Enable VR to enter the VAB or SPH in room-scale VR.


Use the touchpads on both controllers to move around the space.

VAB controls

IVA in Flight

Look for the KerbalVR button on the top-right of the screen.

Launch IVA app

Press Enable VR to enter IVA in seated-mode VR.

Press Reset Headset Position to re-center the headset to a new physical location.

Turn on your VR controllers to activate your "VR hands". They will appear as two small colored spheres.

Adjust the Hand Size parameter to a number between 1 and 10, which represents the size of your "VR hands", in centimeters.

Press Disable VR to stop using VR.


Press the Menu button on the right controller to re-center the headset.

IVA reset

Experimental: Click the Trigger on the right controller to interact with instruments in IVA, such as RasterProp Monitor instruments. The "VR hands" will turn yellow when it is in range to interact with an IVA instrument.

IVA controls

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