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A headless content management system and a blog that was built with the use of the CMS in sake of learning and interest

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Bluro is a headless content management system (CMS) that was built with a clear goal to achieve - create something interesting and learn useful skills and technologies. As a part of the project a blog "Tech Overload" was build.

Backend uses neither no express nor no sequelize or other ORMs only bare bones, only hardcore

Frontend on the other hand makes use of React and bunch of other dependencies to simplify development

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Key Points

  • Node.JS is used for backend to write a small library that would be used in development of the CMS
  • The library consists of a routing module that I build being inspired by Express, also it contains implementation of DI container (for dependency injection) and custom ORM that even can create migrations from your model and migrate them to mysql database
  • The frontend for the blog was written in React and used Redux and redux saga for state management
  • Docker is used to containerize NGINX reverse proxy, admin panel, blog, backend and database

Table of content


Go to folder where you want a new folder with the source code to be downloaded, run:

git clone

Running dev server with docker

Running the server with docker requires creation of config files under configs directory:

  • .env file stores the only variable that determines what image will be used for db, by default it uses mysql:5.7.30 but if you want to run the server on a raspberry, you have to replace it with hypriot/rpi-mysql
  • api.env file stores configurations for Bluro API (see Configs)
  • db.env file stores root password and the name of the database

Note: database name and password in db.env and api.env must be the same

  • front.env file stores variables for the blog and admin panel
    • REACT_APP_API - sets Bluro API address like http:/domain_name:8080/api (in my case it redirects to the same domain name and port but different path)
    • HOST - sets IP to listen (in my case all the IPs)
    • PORT - sets port to listen

Then you can build and start docker containers by running:

  • For Linux:
  • For Windows:

Note: for Windows make sure that file ./configs/ has LF as End Of Line Sequence, in other way you'll see error (more info)

Now you're able to visit localhost, it'll open Tech Overload blog page. All the paths that starts with /admin are redirected to admin panel. All of the requests that follows paths starting with /api are redirected to Bluro API, so you can use Postmen to test API separately.

Running components separately

If you want to test components separately or debug them, you can run nodejs dev server. For the purpose you have to run npm run start in a folder of a component. To run Bluro API you have to fill in bluro_cms/config.json (see Configs) beforehand.

Bluro API starts on the port 8000, Tech Overload Blog on 3000, Admin panel on 3001. You can change the ports but note: if you change the port of the Bluro API, you'll need to change BASE constant in the admin_panel\src\assets\configs.js and tech_overload_blog\src\assets\configs.js


Is a blog that was written with React and utilizes "Bluro CMS"'s API. The blog consists of two parts separated into components

  • Tech Overload blog - a platform where people can read blog posts and if registered, create owns, follow others, leave comments.
  • Admin panel - a place where moderators can view all the articles, comments, user's profiles and delete them.

Walk through the UI


Once on the blog's website, you will be greeted by a homepage listing all published articles. Each article is displayed in the form of a card, which consists of three parts: information about the author and time of publication (when clicked, redirects to the user's page), pictures, and a title with a brief description of the article. In the upper right corner you can see the search, and on the left a call to action to register. It should be noted that to read articles and view profiles, you do not need to create an account. It is needed if you want to publish articles, subscribe, write comments.

Home page

After clicking the "Become a member" button, it sends you to the page with the registration form. If you have an account, you can click "Have an account?" then it will take you to the login page.


After logging in to your account, it redirects you back to the main page. A message appears in the upper right corner, now it says that the login was successful. You need to notice some changes in the interface, namely the disappearance of the call to action button and the appearance of the bell with messages (there is no new messages yet) and the user's image. If you click on the image, a list will appear, where when you click on the first item, with advanced user information, you will be redirected to the profile page. There are also two more items, the first of which is needed to create a new article, and the second to log out.

Home page after logging in

The user page consists of a header and content. The header contains the name, description, enlarged image, and number of subscribers and subscriptions. The content part has sections.

User page

If you are on your account page, then you will have access to two additional sections: "Settings" (a place where you can change personal information or delete an account), "Drafts" (a list of all articles that are saved as drafts).

Profile Settings

When you click on "Create new story", a modal window appears with fields to fill. You must add a title, a description, a preview image, and a file with the extension “md” or “markdown” which content will be downloaded as an article. Optionally, you can specify the resource name (verbose name) that will be used in the link, if it is not specified, a random hash will be generated. After filling in the form you will have the opportunity to publish the article, or save in drafts in order to do so later.

Create article modal window

All articles (including drafts) created by you will have a pen mark in the upper right part, when you click on it, a familiar modal window will open, in which you can change the information. If you click on the article itself, you will be redirected to a page with its content.

Article's content

At the bottom of the article are the comments. If someone other than you writes and publishes a comment under your article, then you receive a message (upper right corner red indicator with the number of unread messages), messages also come if someone subscribed to you, unsubscribed, the author to whom you subscribe , published a new article or the administrator blocked your article or comment (all messages are duplicated to the e-mail specified during registration). The administrator also has the ability to send you messages. You can also edit your comments.

Article's comments

Admin Panel

The admin panel is divided into three tabs: Users, Articles, Comments, each of which is responsible for a specific resource that can be moderated. The right part is divided into search and resource list. You can click on each entity, and additional information about this resource will expand.

Admin panel Users tab content

In the right part of each entity there are two buttons "Info" and "Block". The first sends you to the page of this resource, the second blocks the resource (the "Enter block cause" field have to be filled in beforehand). Moderators have additional fields to create a message.

Amin panel search



All configs can be added to bluro_cms/configs.json file at the root of the project or introduced as environment variables to make them more secure.

  • host - defines ip that the server will be listening
  • port - defines port that the server will be listening
  • secret - secret string that is used to encode JWT tokens
  • dbhost - the address of db's server
  • database - name of an already created database
  • dbConnectionTries - tries before app fails to connect (default 3)
  • dbConnectionTryDelay - delay between tries in milliseconds (default 3000)
  • connectionTimeout - max time that the server will be waiting for connection to the db
  • user - db user name
  • password - db user password
  • rootUserName - user name of the admin that will be created in case it doesn't exist
  • rootEmail - user name of the admin
  • rootPassword - password of the admin
  • rootVerbose - verbose name that will be used in the link to profile page (without spaces)
  • mailService - a service that will be used to send notification e.g. gmail
  • mailUser - a login of a service user (if available)
  • mailPass - a password of the service user (or API token)
  • mailSubject - subject that will be used to send emails
  • modules - a list of connected modules (order is matter as db tables will be built the order)
  • allowedMethods (optional) - CRUD allowed HTTP methods e.g. POST. The parameter is used in a default global rule that is named crud.
  • allowedOrigins (optional) - allowed hosts e.g localhost
  • exposedHeaders (optional) - headers that are allowed to be send by client-side code e.g. Cookies
  • exposedHeaders (optional) - headers that are allowed to be read by client-side code e.g X-Custom-Header
  • permissionAge (optional) - notes how long a CORS preflight request is valid (value in seconds)
  • allowCredentials (options) - tells browsers whether to expose the response to frontend JavaScript code when the request's credentials mode is include (boolean value)

API endpoints


Logging in


  • /login - POST


    "email": "string",
    "pass": "string"


	"session": {
		"verbose": "id that is used to get profile info",
		"userName": "userName",
		"role": "user role: 'ADMIN', 'USER'",
		"email": "email",
		"login": "login",
		"img": "name of img resource"

	"errors": "list of descriptions of errors",
	"success": "list of success strings",
	"info": "list of info strings"

Cookie token is sent in header, used to authorize following requests from a client

200 - Logged in
403 - Wrong username or password



  • /signup - POST


	"login": "login",
	"email": "email",
	"pass": "password",
	"repPass": "repeated password"


	"session": {
		"verbose": "id that is used to get profile info",
		"userName": "userName",
		"role": "user role: 'ADMIN', 'USER'",
		"email": "email",
		"login": "login",
		"img": "name of img resource"

	// Other common parameters

201 - Created
400 - Invalid data was provided 403 - An user with the same name


Get or modify profile data


  • /profiles/:verbose - GET - get profile by id - responses with an entry (see Entry response)
  • /profiles - GET - get all profiles - responses with collection (see Collection response)

Query parameters count and offset may be specified to get a part of collection, default 10 and 0 respectively

  • /profiles/:verbose - PUT - update profile with parameters
  • /profiles/:verbose - DELETE - delete profile (no other data is required)

NOTE: only admins and owners of profiles can update or delete them

Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data OR json (if you need to update profile image, request update with the use of multipart form data content type header)


  • [img] - new profile image


	// all parameters are optional
	"verbose": "new id that is used to get profile info",
	"userName": "new use name",
	"role": "new user role: 'ADMIN', 'USER'",
	"email": "new email",
	"pass": "new pass",
	"repPass": "repeat new pass",
	"about": "new about user"

NOTE: all of the request parameters are optional and may be omitted if you don't want you update them. Role can only be changed by admins. To change password you need to specify both passwords. Only an user and an admin can change the user's profile info

400 - Bad data
403 - User with the same verbose has already been registered 404 - User not found
200 - OK

Get or modify followers

NOTE: Only an user and an admin can delete the user's profile info

  • /profiles/:verbose/followers - GET - get user's followers - returns collection (see Collection response)
  • /profiles/:verbose/followings - GET - get user's subscriptions - returns collection
  • /profiles/:verbose/followers/:verbose - GET - is an user follows another user - returns entry (see Entry response)

200 - OK


  • /profiles/:verbose/followers - POST - subscribe for an user
  • /profiles/:verbose/followers - DELETE - unsubscribe from an user

404 - User not found
403 - You're not subscribed or you've already subscribed 200 - OK


Modify article (create, delete or update)


  • /articles/:verbose - PUT - modify
  • /articles/:verbose - DELETE - delete article (no other data is required)
  • /articles - POST - create

Note: Only admins and owners of articles can update or delete them


Headers: Content-Type: multipart/form-data if you send with files or json with just data


  • content - text content of an article
  • previewImg - preview image
	"verbose": "human readable name, if not specified, auto generated will be used",
	"title": "string",
	"description": "string"

NOTE: in the case of updating article all request parameters (including files) are optional but at least one has to be specified

201 - Created
200 - Updated
403 - Forbidden updating someone else's article
401 - Unauthorized user

Get articles


Query parameters count and offset may be specified to get a part of collection, default 10 and 0 respectively


	"entry": {
		"verbose": "verbose name",
		"user": {
			// user data
		"dateOfPublishing": "2020-06-11T09:26:00.000Z",
		"dateOfChanging": "2020-06-11T09:26:00.000Z",
		"title": "string",
		"description": "string",
		"textSourceName": "name that you can use to access the resource by using different endpoint",
		"previewImageName": "name that you can use to access the resource by using different endpoint"

	// other default parameters

200 - Ok
404 - Article or articles weren't found

Get an user's articles


  • /profiles/:verbose/articles/:verbose - GET - returns an article of the specified user (see Entry response)
  • /profiles/:verbose/articles - GET - returns collection of articles of the specified user


Modify comment (create, update, delete)


  • /articles/:verbose/comments - POST - create comment
  • /comments/:verbose - PUT - update comment (no other data is required)
  • /comments/:verbose - DELETE - delete comment

Note only admins and owners of a comment can update or delete it


	"content": "content of a comment"

201 - Created
200 - Updated
403 - Forbidden updating someone else's comment
404 - Article or comment wasn't found

Get comments


  • /comments - GET - get all comments (see Collection response)
  • /articles/:verbose/comments - GET - get all comments for an article
  • /comments/:verbose - GET - get a comment (see Entry response)
  • /articles/:verbose/comments/:verbose - GET - get a comment

Query parameters count and offset may be specified to get a part of collection, default 10 and 0 respectively


	"entity": {
		"user": {
			// creator data
		"content": "content of a comment",
		"creationDate": "date of creation",
		"lastUpdateDate": "date of update"

200 - Ok
404 - Articles or comments weren't found


Modify a notification (create, update, delete)


  • /profiles/:verbose/notification - POST - create notification
  • /profiles/:verbose/notification/:verbose - PUT - read notification
  • /profiles/:verbose/notification/:verbose - DELETE - delete notification


	"message": "notification message"

201 - Created
200 - Updated
403 - Forbidden updating someone else's notification
404 - Notification or profile wasn't found

Get notifications

Notification are sent with a general response (see General Response)

General Response

	"session": {
		"verbose": "id that is used to get profile info",
		"userName": "userName",
		"role": "user role: 'ADMIN', 'USER'",
		"email": "email"

	"errors": "error's descriptions list",
	"success": "success's descriptions list",
	"info": "info's descriptions list",

	"notifications": [
		// collection of notifications

Collection Response

	"collection": {
		"data": [],
		"offset": "offset in the list of all entries in database",
		"count": "requested count of entries",
		"actualCount": "count of entries in `data` field"

	// Other usual parameters

Entity Response

	"entity": {
		// Entry parameters

	// Other usual parameters


200 OK - Standard response for successful HTTP requests. Data Updated, Delete

201 Created - The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.

202 Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. Async operation e.g. DELETE resource

400 Bad Request - The HTTP request that was sent to the server has invalid syntax.

401 Unauthorized - The user trying to access the resource has not been authenticated or has not been authenticated correctly.

403 Forbidden - The user made a valid request but the server is refusing to serve the request, due to a lack of permission to access the requested resource.

404 Not Found - The user is able to communicate with the server but it is unable to locate the requested file or resource.

500 Internal Server Error - Server cannot process the request for an unknown reason.


The web application consists of blocks that doesn't affect each other, and therefore are able to be developed separately and scaled without unnecessary problems.

System components

JavaScript is used to write the server part, namely the NodeJS runtime. The core of the server part will consist of 7 main components, which together form a system, implementing the MVC pattern:

CMS structure

The part of the web application that accesses the API and which users work with. The admin panel and blog page use an API to retrieve and modify data. To write these blocks I used ReactJS together with several additional libraries:

Front end structure


A headless content management system and a blog that was built with the use of the CMS in sake of learning and interest





