A Belgian public service proxy using CZAM tokens for authentication and providing an api to fetch myminfin documents.
A docker-compose file is provided to get you started quickly using docker & docker-compose.
- Clone this repository
- Start the cestzam-ws service
Once this service is started, a proxy serving the api is running on localhost port 18080.
- Adjust your credential in the docker-compose-file.yaml by setting the environment variables for the cestzam-sync service
- Start the cestzam-sync service
This service synchronizes the myminfin document with a filesystem copy in target/fs. See below for more information.
Instead of building the images from this repository, you can as well use the published images on docker hub:
- valuya/cestzam-ws:dev-latest
- valuya/cestzam-myminfin-fs-sync:dev-latest
Image are tagged with the release version, as well as ${branch}-latest for the latest build of the master and dev branches. See https://hub.docker.com/search?q=valuya&type=image.
The cestzam-myminfin-filesystem-sync module provides an executable jar that consumes the cestzam api to synchronize myminfin documents with a filesystem copy. It assumes an enterprise account is used for authentication, and activates citizen mandates to fetch the documents.
A directory is created for each citizen mandates. In each of those, a directory is created for each document provider group. In each of those, a directory is created for each document year. In those, the document pdf is downloaded, and a .cestzam file is created alongside. The .cestzam file contains an unique identifier to handle documents that would share the same date, title, year, and provider. Documents already existing on the filesystem are not downloaded on subsequent run.
The synchronizer iterates over all mandates, activates them one by one, then iterate over each document provider to list all documents, check if a local copy already exists, and download it if it does not.
In order to run this service, you must provide the following env variables:
- CESTZAM_TARGET_PATH: The local filesystem path in which to place the document. This must be an existing writable directory.
- CESTZAM_API_URI: The uri for the cestzam api service.
- CESTZAM_AUTH_LOGIN: The login to use for CZAM authentication using tokens.
- CESTZAM_AUTH_PASSWORD: The password to use for CZAM authentication using tokens.
- CESTZAM_AUTH_TOKENS_JSON: The CZAM authentication tokens, as a json dictionary. Eg:
{"1": "AAAAAA", "2": "BBBBBB"}
. There should be 24 tokens, you can generate them and get them sent to you as an email pdf attachment from the czam authentication page.
In addition, the following optional env variables allow you to filter which documents to process:
- CESTZAM_MANDATOR_SINGLE_SSIN: If specified, a single mandate will be processed. The mandator ssin must be equal to the value of this variable. The default behaviour is to iterate over all mandates available.
- CESTZAM_MANDATOR_NAME_PATTERN: If specified, mandators names will be checked against this regular expression to check whether they should be processed or not. Default behaviour is to iterate over all mandates available.
- CESTZAM_DOCUMENT_PROVIDER_NAME_PATTERN: If specified, document provider labels will be checked against this regular expression to check whether they should be processed. Default behaviour is to iterate over all document providers available for each mandate.
- CESTZAM_DOCUMENT_FROM_DATE: A date in the iso 8601 format, eg
. If specified, document older than this date will be ignored. Default behaviour is to iterate over all documents for each document provider.
The cestzam-ws service provides an api. The specification can be obtained from a running instance at the /openapi endpoint.
You can use the cestzam-api-client artifcat, which is a wrapper around microprofile-restclient client instances for the different resources. Usage should be straightforward, exemples are provided below:
- Instantiate a client for your service:
MyminfinApiClient myminfinClient=CestzamApiClientBuilder.create()
- Authenticate using the token credentials as an enterprise:
Map<String, String> tokens=Map.of("1","ABCDEF","2","GHIJKL");
MyminfinUser myminfinUser=myminfinClient.getAuthenticatedUser();
// myminfinUser.visitorType == MyminfinUserType.PRO
- Activate a mandate granted by a citizen:
List<MyMinfinMandate> availableMandates=myminfinClient.getAvailableMandates(MyminfinMandateType.CITIZEN);
MyminfinMandate mandateToActivate= //...
MyminfinUser myminfinUser=myminfinClient.getAuthenticatedUser();
// myminfinUser.visitorType == MyminfinUserType.PRO
// myminfinUser.customerType == MyminfinUserType.customerTypeCITIZEN
// myminfinUser.customerSelected == true
- List documents
ResultPage<MyminfinDocumentProvider> providers=myminfinClient.listDocumentsProviders();
MyminfinDocumentProvider provider= //...
MyminfinDocumentFilter documentFilter=new MyminfinDocumentFilter();
ResultPage<MyminfinDocument> documentResultPage=myminfinClient.searchDocuments(documentFilter);
- Download document
MyminfinDocument document = //...
MyminfinDocumentStream documentStream = myminfinClient.downloadDocument(document);
Path documentPath = Paths.get("/tmp", documentStream.getFileName());
OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(documentPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW);
The ws api uses POST methods taking an opaque CestzamContext
in the request body. Requests may return an
updated CestzamContext
in the response body. Clients must keep track of this state, and always send the most recent
one returned in their request body.
Once your are authenticated for your service provider, most request wont alter the state anymore; but this is not true for requests activating a mandate for instance.