theBridge serves as a bridge between layer-1 and layer-2 native tokens.
To deposit, token is transferred to the vault contract, a 1% fee is extracted and an event is emitted with the deposit params. The token is then minted on the other chain as an ERC20 token To withdraw, token is burned and an event is emitted with the params. The token is then transferred from the vault to the owner's account on the other chain
Deploy sepolia vault
yarn deploy --tags NativeTokenBridge --network sepolia
Deploy polygonMumbai vault
yarn deploy --tags NativeTokenBridge --network polygonMumbai
Deploy sepoliaETH Clone. First change the name and symbol in packages/hardhat/deploy/01_deploy_nativetokenclone.ts
yarn deploy --tags NativeTokenClone --network polygonMumbai
Deploy MATIC Clone. First change the name and symbol in packages/hardhat/deploy/01_deploy_nativetokenclone.ts
yarn deploy --tags NativeTokenClone --network sepolia
Replace addresses in packages/nextjs/components/forms/BridgeForm.tsx
and packages/nextjs/components/forms/WithdrawForm.tsx
with the deployed contract addresses for the vaults and clones
Replace the addresses in packages/backend/contracts
with the deployed contract addresses for the vaults and clones. Create a .env
file with params from the .env.example
yarn backend:start
yarn start