An Online Voting System project using ASP.NET and SQL Database.
• Installation
- Prerequisites
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Micosoft SQL Server
- SQL Configuration Manager
- Web Browse
- Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
- Create a new Project Website in Visual Studio
- Fork this repo
- Copy all the files in this repo to website's folder
- Configure Database on the machine accordingly
- Run the website
- Technologies Used
- Visual Studio 2015
- HTML,CSS and C#
• Main files
- Home.aspx
- Admin
- AddCandidates.aspx
- admin.aspx
- AdminLogin.aspx
- Result.aspx
- User
- Election.aspx
- Login.aspx (User Login)
- Register.aspx
• Snapshot of a project Candidate Registration Screen Voter Login Screen Voter Registration Screen Election Result Screen