Test Drives:
- Configurable time
- Returns player once time is up
- Can't take out more than one vehicle
- Configurable down payment
- Configurable maximum payments
- Configurable commission amount for private dealerships
- Checks for payments due on player join and updates times on player logout or quit
- Lock to a specific job
- Commission paid to sales person for private dealer
- Create as many as desired with easy polyzone creation
- Vehicle sale amount gets deposited into the cardealer society fund for private dealer
Planned Updates
- QB-Phone support to make payments
Preview header when near a vehicle at the public dealership:
After pressing the focus key and selecting the preview header (default: LEFT ALT)
Configurable test drive times that automatically return the player
Private job-based dealership menu (works off closest player)
Financing a vehicle with configurable max payment amount and minimum downpayment percentage
Financing preview header
Finance vehicle list
Make a payment or pay off vehicle in full
You need to create new PolyZones if you want to create a new dealership or move default locations to another area. After you create the new PolyZones, add them to the Config.Shops > [Shape]
Here's a Wiki on how to create new PolyZone: https://github.com/mkafrin/PolyZone/wiki/Using-the-creation-script
Config = {}
Config.UsingTarget = false -- If you are using qb-target (uses entity zones to target vehicles)
Config.Commission = 0.10 -- Percent that goes to sales person from a full car sale - default 10%
Config.FinanceCommission = 0.05 -- Percent that goes to sales person from a finance sale - default 5%
Config.FinanceZone = vector3(-29.53, -1103.67, 26.42) -- Where the finance menu is located
Config.PaymentWarning = 10 -- time in minutes that player has to make payment before repo - default 10
Config.PaymentInterval = 24 -- time in hours between payment being due - default 24
Config.MinimumDown = 10 -- minimum percentage allowed down - default 10
Config.MaximumPayments = 24 -- maximum payments allowed - default 24
Config.Shops = {
['pdm'] = {
['Type'] = 'free-use', -- no player interaction is required to purchase a car
['Zone'] = {
['Shape'] = { --polygon that surrounds the shop
vector2(-56.727394104004, -1086.2325439453),
vector2(-60.612808227539, -1096.7795410156),
vector2(-58.26834487915, -1100.572265625),
vector2(-35.927803039551, -1109.0034179688),
vector2(-34.427627563477, -1108.5111083984),
vector2(-32.02657699585, -1101.5877685547),
vector2(-33.342102050781, -1101.0377197266),
vector2(-31.292987823486, -1095.3717041016)
['minZ'] = 25.0, -- min height of the shop zone
['maxZ'] = 28.0 -- max height of the shop zone
['Job'] = 'none', -- Name of job or none
['ShopLabel'] = 'Premium Deluxe Motorsport', -- Blip name
['Categories'] = { -- Categories available to browse
['sportsclassics'] = 'Sports Classics',
['sedans'] = 'Sedans',
['coupes'] = 'Coupes',
['suvs'] = 'SUVs',
['offroad'] = 'Offroad',
['muscle'] = 'Muscle',
['compacts'] = 'Compacts',
['motorcycles'] = 'Motorcycles',
['vans'] = 'Vans'
['TestDriveTimeLimit'] = 0.5, -- Time in minutes until the vehicle gets deleted - default 0.5 (30 seconds)
['Location'] = vector3(-45.67, -1098.34, 26.42), -- Blip Location
['ReturnLocation'] = vector3(-44.74, -1082.58, 26.68), -- Location to return vehicle, only enables if the vehicleshop has a job owned
['VehicleSpawn'] = vector4(-56.79, -1109.85, 26.43, 71.5), -- Spawn location when vehicle is bought
['ShowroomVehicles'] = {
[1] = {
coords = vector4(-45.65, -1093.66, 25.44, 69.5), -- where the vehicle will spawn on display
defaultVehicle = 'adder', -- Default display vehicle
chosenVehicle = 'adder', -- Same as default but is dynamically changed when swapping vehicles
[2] = {
coords = vector4(-48.27, -1101.86, 25.44, 294.5),
defaultVehicle = 'schafter2',
chosenVehicle = 'schafter2',
[3] = {
coords = vector4(-39.6, -1096.01, 25.44, 66.5),
defaultVehicle = 'comet2',
chosenVehicle = 'comet2',
[4] = {
coords = vector4(-51.21, -1096.77, 25.44, 254.5),
defaultVehicle = 'vigero',
chosenVehicle = 'vigero',
[5] = {
coords = vector4(-40.18, -1104.13, 25.44, 338.5),
defaultVehicle = 't20',
chosenVehicle = 't20',
[6] = {
coords = vector4(-43.31, -1099.02, 25.44, 52.5),
defaultVehicle = 'bati',
chosenVehicle = 'bati',
[7] = {
coords = vector4(-50.66, -1093.05, 25.44, 222.5),
defaultVehicle = 'bati',
chosenVehicle = 'bati',
[8] = {
coords = vector4(-44.28, -1102.47, 25.44, 298.5),
defaultVehicle = 'bati',
chosenVehicle = 'bati',
['luxury'] = {
['Type'] = 'managed', -- meaning a real player has to sell the car
['Zone'] = {
['Shape'] = {
vector2(-81.724754333496, 72.436462402344),
vector2(-60.159938812256, 60.576206207275),
vector2(-55.763122558594, 61.749210357666),
vector2(-52.965869903564, 69.869110107422),
vector2(-50.352680206299, 75.886123657227),
vector2(-61.261016845703, 81.564918518066),
vector2(-63.812171936035, 75.633102416992),
vector2(-76.546226501465, 81.189826965332)
['minZ'] = 69.0,
['maxZ'] = 76.0
['Job'] = 'cardealer', -- Name of job or none
['ShopLabel'] = 'Luxury Vehicle Shop',
['Categories'] = {
['super'] = 'Super',
['sports'] = 'Sports'
['TestDriveTimeLimit'] = 0.5,
['Location'] = vector3(-63.59, 68.25, 73.06),
['ReturnLocation'] = vector3(-65.05, 81.23, 71.16),
['VehicleSpawn'] = vector4(-71.13, 84.04, 71.09, 65.23),
['ShowroomVehicles'] = {
[1] = {
coords = vector4(-75.96, 74.78, 70.90, 221.69),
defaultVehicle = 'italirsx',
chosenVehicle = 'italirsx',
[2] = {
coords = vector4(-66.52, 74.33, 70.65, 188.03),
defaultVehicle = 'italigtb',
chosenVehicle = 'italigtb',
[3] = {
coords = vector4(-71.83, 68.60, 70.75, 276.57),
defaultVehicle = 'nero',
chosenVehicle = 'nero',
[4] = {
coords = vector4(-59.95, 68.61, 70.85, 181.44),
defaultVehicle = 'comet2',
chosenVehicle = 'comet2',
} -- Add your next table under this comma
Due to unfortunate events, we had to remove the commit history of this repository. closed-source code was introduced of which the original copyright holder hadn't given anyone permission to share and was illegally obtained. This doesn't mean that the original contributors lost their copyright rights and still are copyright holders. This includes but is not limited to.
- legende11 | masonschafercodes | GhzGarage | Newtonzz | TheiLLeniumStudios | IdrisDose | r0adra93 | uShifty | Holidayy95 | erikmeyer08 | OlliePugh | roobr | gutsoo | Re1ease | TonybynMp4 | mjvanhaastert | Dwohakin | trclassic92 | ARSSANTO | TheiLLeniumStudios | BerkieBb | adweex | DannysRP | mNm-server | arsh939 | AbrahamMoody | buddizer | Z3rio | wanderrer | vosscat | LouieBandz514 | NoobySloth | merpindia | Belorico | Dhawgy | Sna-aaa | Brusein | PlanovskyJus | CptAllen | Evantually | amantu-qbit | MonkeyWhisper | Mobius1 | Demo4889 | DanteRedrum | steveski | DOSE-420 | nzkfc | izMystic | Aveeux