An R package for performing inference on discretely observed continuous-time Markov chains using a pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo approach.
Linux systems usually ship with such tools, but macOS and Windows users might require additional setup:
- Windows: install Rtools.
- macOS: follow these instructions (only "Mandatory tools").
The package mcmcse
-- used to compute ESSs -- indirectly depends on the FFTW library. Follow these steps to install FFTW in
- Ubuntu:
apt-get install libfftw3-dev
- macOS:
brew install fftw
- Windows: instructions here
if (!require(remotes) || packageVersion("remotes") < package_version("2.4.2")) {
Build a pre-tuned sampler object for a particular experiment
sampler = ctmc3::get_sampler(
exp_name = "SG2019_Sch_log", # experiment: Schloegl data with sampler in log-space
reg_ts = TRUE, # exploit regularity of time series by using RA method
gtp_solver = "skeletoid" # matrix exponential approximation
Run the sampler and measure ESS per billion matrix operations
pske::reset_ops_counter() # set ops counter to 0
res=sampler$run_chain(S = 10000L, print_every = 100L) # run for 10000 iter, print every 100
# get ess for each parameter and take the mean across all
# report ESS/GMOs
ess_mean = mean(mcmcse::ess(exp(res$theta))) # compute average ESSs (need to invert log transform)
n_ops = pske::get_ops_counter()
cat(sprintf("\nEfficiency: %.3f ESS/GMOs\n", ess_mean/(1E-9*n_ops)))
Compare this number to the results in the Experiments section of the paper.
Graph traceplots and densities using the coda utility
coda_ob = coda::mcmc(exp(res$theta))
:- Sampler in theta space:
- Sampler in log(theta) space:
- Sampler in theta space:
: uses RAFALSE
: uses IA
(matrix exponential algorithm):"skeletoid"
One may also tune the sampler from scratch (takes a while)
sampler = ctmc3::get_sampler(
exp_name = "SG2019_Sch_log", # experiment: Schloegl data with sampler in log-space
reg_ts = TRUE, # exploit regularity of time series by using RA method
gtp_solver = "skeletoid", # matrix exponential approximation
tuned_pars = FALSE # do not used pre-tuned parameters
ctmc3::tune_sampler(sampler,n_cores = 4L)
It will write the results to the current working directory.