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Boost Up App

It is a mobile app for Android, that aims to boost the target user up by allowing the user to explore many motivational quotes✨.


Libraries and technologies used:

• MVVM Architectural Pattern.
• Jetpack libraries (Coroutines, Lifecycle, Navigation, WorkManager, and DataBinding).
• Junit4.
• Retrofit .
• Firebase Authentication.
• Cloud Firestore.
• Figma.

Demo account:

• Email: [email protected].
• Password: Mahila1* .


• Sign in/up screens (Light mode):

• Home screens (Light mode):

• Sign in/up screens (Dark mode):

• Home screens (Dark mode):

• Refresh to get new quotes.

• Share the quote via other apps.

• Set reminders at specific times.

• One click to add/remove the quote to/from the favorites list.

• One click to deactivate & reactivate the reminder.

• One click to undo removing from the favorites list.

• One click to change the mode.

• One click to change the language.