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Enhance your Klipper

If Klipper does not update information

press CTRL+F5 to clean the cache of the browser.

Download & Install

git clone
mkdir -p ~/printer_data/config/ && cp -r ~/Klipper-configuration/* ~/printer_data/config/
sudo chown -R $USER: ~/printer_data
sudo find ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/ -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
bash ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/

Manual Update

cd ~/Klipper-configuration && git pull --rebase && cd -
mkdir -p ~/printer_data/config/ && cp -r ~/Klipper-configuration/* ~/printer_data/config/
sudo chown -R $USER: ~/printer_data
sudo find ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/ -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
bash ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/

or update using the Macro UPDATE KLIPPER CONF in Klipper or UPDATE MANAGER in Moonraker


Copy the rows you need from advanced_macro.cfg in your printer.cfg

Or rename advanced_macro.cfg in °ADV_macro.cfg (because it will be overwritten by update process) and in your printer.cfg add

[include °ADV_macro.cfg]


add this in moonraker.conf to update klipper-configuration

[update_manager klipper-configuration]
type: git_repo
primary_branch: main
path: ~/Klipper-configuration
install_script: config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/ # Deprecated by Moonraker
# Manual Update with putty:
# cp -r ~/Klipper-configuration/* ~/printer_data/config
managed_services: klipper moonraker

After updating from "Update Manager", use the Macro UPDATE KLIPPER CONF in Klipper or

sudo ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/


sudo cp -r ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/cpu/etc_systemd_system/* /etc/systemd/system/
sudo sed -i "s|/home/pi|$(eval echo ~$USER)|g" /etc/systemd/system/log_cpu.service
sed -i 's|/home/pi|'"$HOME"'|g' ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/cpu/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable log_cpu.timer
sudo systemctl enable log_cpu.service
sudo systemctl start log_cpu.timer

Example .../config/scripts/logs/CPU/CPU.txt

"load average: 0,46, 0,53, 0,46": 
average cpu load in last 1, 5 and 15 minutes 
1 = load on a core at 100%

7.1 2.8 /home/pi/klippy-env/bin/python
CPU at 7,1% at and RAM at 2,8%


Automount and copy USB-KEY/gcodes in /home/YourUser/printer_data/gcodes

sudo apt install udisks2

Mainsail Macro

Restore Macro Buttons

Go to settings, General, Mainsail Settings in Moonraker DB, Restore, select backup-mainsail_macro_"date".json, select Macro and Restore.

Macro Mainsail

Home Assistant + Alexa

Dashboard and Alexa automation here:

Install in HACS:

Dashboard Lovelace Source:

My custom dashboards and automations here:


Alexa notify all Klipper messages with "M117 Alexa <message_to_notify>"

Alexa notify "The filament has run out

Schedule a print or job queue with Home Assistant automation

Add this dashboard

Add in Home assistant configuration.yaml the code in the link below with your Moonraker printer IP, then restart HA.

Create an automation by customizing the code in the link below.

Clean queue, start print file.gcode, add to queue 1.gcode, 2.gcode, print the queue

Customize these functions and schedule them as you need.