Enhance your Klipper
If Klipper does not update information
press CTRL+F5 to clean the cache of the browser.
git clone https://github.com/Travis90x/Klipper-configuration.git
mkdir -p ~/printer_data/config/ && cp -r ~/Klipper-configuration/* ~/printer_data/config/
sudo chown -R $USER: ~/printer_data
sudo find ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/ -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
bash ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/klipper-configuration.sh
cd ~/Klipper-configuration && git pull --rebase && cd -
mkdir -p ~/printer_data/config/ && cp -r ~/Klipper-configuration/* ~/printer_data/config/
sudo chown -R $USER: ~/printer_data
sudo find ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/ -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
bash ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/klipper-configuration.sh
or update using the Macro UPDATE KLIPPER CONF in Klipper or UPDATE MANAGER in Moonraker
Copy the rows you need from advanced_macro.cfg in your printer.cfg
Or rename advanced_macro.cfg in °ADV_macro.cfg (because it will be overwritten by update process) and in your printer.cfg add
[include °ADV_macro.cfg]
add this in moonraker.conf to update klipper-configuration
[update_manager klipper-configuration]
type: git_repo
primary_branch: main
path: ~/Klipper-configuration
origin: https://github.com/Travis90x/Klipper-configuration.git
install_script: config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/klipper-configuration.sh # Deprecated by Moonraker
# Manual Update with putty:
# cp -r ~/Klipper-configuration/* ~/printer_data/config
managed_services: klipper moonraker
After updating from "Update Manager", use the Macro UPDATE KLIPPER CONF in Klipper or
sudo ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/update/klipper-configuration/klipper-configuration.sh
sudo cp -r ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/cpu/etc_systemd_system/* /etc/systemd/system/
sudo sed -i "s|/home/pi|$(eval echo ~$USER)|g" /etc/systemd/system/log_cpu.service
sed -i 's|/home/pi|'"$HOME"'|g' ~/printer_data/config/config/scripts/cpu/LOG_CPU.sh
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable log_cpu.timer
sudo systemctl enable log_cpu.service
sudo systemctl start log_cpu.timer
"load average: 0,46, 0,53, 0,46":
average cpu load in last 1, 5 and 15 minutes
1 = load on a core at 100%
7.1 2.8 /home/pi/klippy-env/bin/python
CPU at 7,1% at and RAM at 2,8%
Automount and copy USB-KEY/gcodes in /home/YourUser/printer_data/gcodes
sudo apt install udisks2
Go to settings, General, Mainsail Settings in Moonraker DB, Restore, select backup-mainsail_macro_"date".json, select Macro and Restore.
Install in HACS:
Dashboard Lovelace Source:
Add in Home assistant configuration.yaml the code in the link below with your Moonraker printer IP, then restart HA.