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Publicly-accessible repo for ACS paper "Rapid Approximate Subset-Based Spectra Prediction for Electron Ionization−Mass Spectrometry" (RASSP)

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There are a few options for getting RASSP inference results on small molecules of your choice:

  • Web API
    • We've setup a web API that runs FormulaNet/SubsetNet inferences on molecules at
    • You can run inference on mols <= 48 atoms (for FormulaNet) and <= 64 atoms (for SubsetNet).
  • Install RASSP locally.
  • Build your own Docker image (TBD).
  • Use our provided Docker image (TBD).

Option 1. Local installation

First, clone this repo into the directory of your choice, e.g. ROOTDIR=~/code/rassp-public.

1. Local install of Anaconda environment

If you have Anaconda already installed, great.

If not, install Miniconda and Mamba like so:

wget -O
bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no
conda update -q conda
conda init bash

Setup a new Conda environment using rassp/environment.yml:

  • cd rassp
  • conda env create -q -n rassp -f environment.yml
  • conda activate rassp

2. Install rassp module

Install rassp=1.0.0 as a local editable module (make sure to run it from the rassp-public root directory, where is located):

  • cd $ROOTDIR
  • python -m pip install -e .

3. Setup files and run script

Copy the expected files into their directories inside rassp:

  • rsync -razP models/ rassp/models/
  • rsync -razP sample_data/ rassp/sample_data/

Run the demo script that runs forward spectral prediction on a list of InChI strings inside sample_data/in.txt:

  • cd $ROOTDIR
  • Follow instructions in rassp/


  • Depending on how your Anaconda installation resolved the installations, you may get the following issues:
    • Numba version incompatibility ImportError: Numba needs NumPy 1.21 or less
    • Tinygraph (JonasLab library) incompatibility ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject
  • The Numba error tells us that we should install numpy<=1.21
  • The Tinygraph error is cryptic, but it has to do with a change in the Numpy API at version 1.20.0
  • To resolve this, uninstalling Numpy and reinstalling it with a specific version should fix things:
    • pip uninstall numpy
    • pip install numpy==1.21

Option 2. Compile your own Docker image (TBD)


Option 3. Use our pre-compiled Docker image (TBD)


Codebase guide

rassp module:

  • expconfig: YAML config files for specifying experiments and models
  • msutil: Fast code for computing mass spectra and molecule subsets
  • model: Model logic
  • featurize: Molecule featurization
  • dataset: Dataset object
  • datagen: Datagen scripts
  • docker: Running a Docker image to run inference using a given model checkpoint
  • Generic utils
  • Model utils
  • Batch forward inference script
  • Main training script
  • Inference script for running a pre-trained model against molecules
  • Metrics functions, including SDP, DP, and others

rassp-public module:

  • Library matching / database lookup metrics
  • Forward model metrics
  • Configures analysis scripts
  • sample_data: Parquet files containing sample datasets to train and eval against
    • Should be copied into rassp folder
  • models: Pretrained model weights and checkpoints
    • Should be copied into rassp folder

Training, inference, and analysis artifacts (will be generated upon running scripts)

  • checkpoints: PyTorch model checkpoints
  • tblogs.formulae: Tensorboard logs
  • forward.preds: Forward inference results
  • results.metrics: Metrics of forward inference
  • library_match_results.metrics.mass_filter_15.reg_dp: Library matching metrics

Pretrained model weights

Our pretrained SubsetNet and FormulaNet model weights can be found in rassp-public/models.

All model weights and files can also be located here (TBD):

Pretrained model weights (both the .model and .meta files) should be downloaded to rassp/models for our scripts to work.

Provided dataset

We take the first 100 molecules from the smallmols dataset [1]. We then run cfm-predict against them and save their spectra in sample_data/smallmols_cfm_pred_public_sample.parquet. We split this 100 mol dataset into 2x 50 mol datasets saved as sample_data/smallmols_cfm_pred_public_sample.0.parquet and sample_data/smallmols_cfm_pred_public_sample.1.parquet. These two non-overlapping datasets are used in the library matching pipeline later on.

The columns:

  • mol_id: String
    • Generally can be String or Int, but smallmols labels them with strings indexing them against the NIST 2014 database they were pulled from.
  • inchi: String
  • inchi_key: String
    • Hash of the inchi string.
    • Generated from inchi via Chem.InchiToInchiKey(inchi).
  • smiles: String
  • rdmol: LargeBinary
    • A binary blob. To get RDKit molecules from a rdmol binary, we need to do Chem.Mol(rdmol).
  • cv_id: Int
    • Cross-val split index. Used to subdivide data into train and test sets.
  • morgan4_crc32: Int
    • CRC32 checksum of the morgan4 fingerprint of molecule, used to compute the cv_id.
  • spect: List[Tuple[Float, Float]]
    • A spectrum is represented as a list of 2-tuple (mass, intensity) pairs.

Training a demo model

Run the following example command from within the eimspred_public repo: USE_CUDA=1 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='<GPU_ID>' python rassp/ rassp/expconfig/demo.yaml first-test

Change the GPU_ID to an integer 0, 1, etc if you have multiple GPUs, or an empty string if you are not running on GPU.


  • checkpoints - Location of model checkpoints
    • <yaml_basename>.<additional_name>.<timestamp>.<epoch>.model - path pattern
    • demo.first-test.48668593.00000000.model - example path
    • demo.first-test.48668593.00000000.state - example path
  • tblogs.formulae - Location of Tensorboard intermediate results

Forward evaluation of demo model on a molecular dataset

Grab the model name from the checkpoint directory checkpoints. For example, our model name might look like: demo.first-test.48668593. In, we'll add a new entry in FORWARD_EVAL_EXPERIMENTS:

  'demo': {
    'dataset' : './sample_data/smallmols_cfm_pred_public_sample.parquet',
    'cv_method' : {
      'how': 'morgan_fingerprint_mod', 
      'mod' : 10,
      'test': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
    'normalize_pred': True,
    'streaming_save': True,
    'checkpoint': 'checkpoints/demo.first-test.48668593',
    'batch_size': 6,
    'epoch': 0,
    'mol_id_type': str,  # either str or int, depending on your input dataset's `mol_id` column dtype

To execute forward evaluation against all the experiments in FORWARD_EVAL_EXPERIMENTS, we'll run: USE_CUDA=1 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='<GPU_ID>' python rassp/

In the example experiment demo we have provided, the output spectra will be saved to a .sqlite file at forward.preds/demo.spect.sqlite.

The columns:

  • mol_id: String | Int
    • Index labeling the molecule. Can be either a string or an integer, depending on the column in input dataset. We assume integer by default, otherwise it needs to be explicitly specified as mol_id_type in
  • spect: LargeBinary
    • Pickled list. When unpickled, we get List[Tuple[Float, Float]], where the inner 2-tuple comprises (mass, intensity) pairs.
  • phase: String
    • Either 'train' or 'test'. If running inference on all molecules, we set all phases to 'test' by putting all splits in the cv_method dictionary in

Analysis and metrics of forward model

Edit ANALYSIS_EXPERIMENTS with the pred_spect path pointing to the output from

Run and get metrics for the model by running: python

Output goes into results.metrics.

Library matching metrics

Edit LIBRARY_MATCH_EXPERIMENTS with the exp_name set to the key for the experiment you want to run library matching metrics on in the ANALYSIS_EXPERIMENTS.


  • Unlike previous pipelines, this pipeline assumes the existence of the inchi_key column in the main_library and query_library Parquet files.
  • The main library and query library molecules must be strictly non-overlapping. There is an assert to check for this.

Run and get metrics for the model by running: python

Output goes into library_match_results.metrics.mass_filter_<MASS_FILTER_DELTA>.<DP_NAME>.

Using to predict spectra for your own molecules

Example usage:

  • Ensure that you are in the rassp directory.
  • Copy the models directory to rassp/models.
  • Copy the sample_data directory to rassp/sample_data.
  • Write your molecules as smiles / inchi strings to sample_data/in.txt
  • Run, using the instructions provided in the script.
  • Spectra are stored in sample_data/out.txt (or whatever output_filename path you specified.)

All the steps, in order

CPU train and eval:

# install conda environment per instructions
# install rassp as local package
pip install -e .

# train a model
USE_CUDA=0 python rassp/ rassp/expconfig/demo.yaml first-test

# run model against mols to get predicted spectra
# edit to point to the right model checkpoint, eg `checkpoints/demo.first-test.48755607`
USE_CUDA=0 python rassp/

# compute forward spectral metrics

# compute library matching metrics

Using GPUs

If a GPU is available, PyTorch GPU will attempt to use it. If multiple GPUs are available, you should explicitly specify the index of the device that you want to use by prepending CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="<index:int>" to your python command. Multi-GPU training is possible but finicky. We recommend not doing so unless you're quite familiar with distributed GPU training.

If a GPU is not available and/or Nvidia drivers are not available, you will need to train with USE_CUDA=False inside rassp/, and add an environment flag prior to executing each python script, eg:

USE_CUDA=0 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" python rassp/ rassp/expconfig/demo.yaml first-test


  1. RASSP. 2023. URL:
  2. CFM-ID. 2021. URL:


Publicly-accessible repo for ACS paper "Rapid Approximate Subset-Based Spectra Prediction for Electron Ionization−Mass Spectrometry" (RASSP)






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  • Python 67.1%
  • C++ 27.6%
  • Cython 4.6%
  • Other 0.7%