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kotlin-builder-annotation Public archiveA minimal viable replacement for the Lombok @Builder plugin for Kotlin code
wc-sage-one-integration PublicThinkingLogic WooCommerce / Sage One Integration
rest-mocker PublicREST Mocker provides canned responses to REST requests, and allows you to decide which response to return based on matching request properties such as query parameters or jsonPath/xPath. The intend…
release PublicForked from joseblas/release
Create a local pipeline for Git releasing and Jenkins Build/Deploying Jobs in MDTP
- release Public Forked from joseblas/release
Create a local pipeline for Git releasing and Jenkins Build/Deploying Jobs in MDTP
ThinkingLogic/release’s past year of commit activity - rest-mocker Public
REST Mocker provides canned responses to REST requests, and allows you to decide which response to return based on matching request properties such as query parameters or jsonPath/xPath. The intended usage is to replace (mock) a REST service for development and testing purposes - it allows you to develop and test against a known set of responses…
ThinkingLogic/rest-mocker’s past year of commit activity