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API 说明
韩数 edited this page Nov 6, 2023
1 revision
所有与 bamboo_engine 的交互都应该通过 bamboo_engine.api 来进行,所有的 Engine API 的返回对象均为 bamboo_engine.api.EngineAPIResult
class EngineAPIResult:
def __init__(
result: bool,
message: str,
exc: Optional[Exception] = None,
data: Optional[Any] = None,
:param result: 是否执行成功
:type result: bool
:param message: 附加消息,result 为 False 时关注
:type message: str
:param exc: 异常对象
:type exc: Exception
:param data: 数据
:type data: Any
self.result = result
self.message = message
self.exc = exc
self.data = data
def run_pipeline(
pipeline: dict,
root_pipeline_data: Optional[dict] = None,
root_pipeline_context: Optional[dict] = None,
subprocess_context: Optional[dict] = None,
:param pipeline: 流程数据
:type pipeline: dict
:param root_pipeline_data 根流程数据
:type root_pipeline_data: dict
:param root_pipeline_context 根流程上下文
:type root_pipeline_context: dict
:param subprocess_context 子流程预置流程上下文
:type subprocess_context: dict
start = EmptyStartEvent()
act = ServiceActivity(component_code="example_component")
end = EmptyEndEvent()
pipeline = builder.build_tree(start)
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.run_pipeline(runtime=runtime, pipeline=pipeline).result
# True
def pause_pipeline(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, pipeline_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
暂停 pipeline 的执行
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param pipeline_id: piipeline id
:type pipeline_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.run_pipeline(runtime=runtime, pipeline_id="pipeline id").result
# True
def revoke_pipeline(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, pipeline_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
撤销 pipeline,使其无法继续执行
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param pipeline_id: pipeline id
:type pipeline_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.revoke_pipeline(runtime=runtime, pipeline_id="pipeline id").result
# True
def resume_pipeline(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, pipeline_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
继续被 pause_pipeline 接口暂停的 pipeline 的执行
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param pipeline_id: pipeline id
:type pipeline_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.resume_pipeline(runtime=runtime, pipeline_id="pipeline id").result
# True
def pause_node_appoint(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 id
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.pause_node_appoint(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").result
# True
def resume_node_appoint(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
继续由于某个节点而暂停的 pipeline 的执行
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 id
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.resume_node_appoint(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").result
# True
def retry_node(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, data: Optional[dict] = None
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 失败的节点 id
:type node_id: str
:param data: 重试时使用的节点执行输入
:type data: dict
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.retry_node(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id", data={"key": "value"}).result
# True
def retry_subprocess(runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 子流程节点 id
:type node_id: str
:return: [description]
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.retry_subprocess(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").result
# True
def skip_node(runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str) -> EngineAPIResult:
跳过某个执行失败的节点(仅限 event,activity)
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 失败的节点 id
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.skip_node(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").result
# True
def skip_exclusive_gateway(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, flow_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 失败的分支网关 id
:type node_id: str
:param flow_id: 需要往下执行的 flow id
:type flow_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.skip_exclusive_gateway(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id", flow_id="flow_id").result
# True
def skip_conditional_parallel_gateway(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, flow_ids: list, converge_gateway_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 失败的分支网关 id
:type node_id: str
:param flow_ids: 需要继续执行的流 ID 列表
:type flow_ids: list
:param converge_gateway_id: 目标汇聚网关 ID
:type converge_gateway_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.skip_conditional_parallel_gateway(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id", flow_id="flow_id").result
# True
def forced_fail_activity(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, ex_data: str, send_post_set_state_signal: bool = True
) -> EngineAPIResult:
强制失败某个 activity 节点
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:param ex_data: 异常信息
:type ex_data: str
:param send_post_set_state_signal: 强制失败时,是否发送post_set_state信号
:type send_post_set_state_signal: bool, optional
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.forced_fail_activity(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id", ex_data="forced fail by me").result
# True
def callback(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, version: str, data: dict
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param version: 节点执行版本
:param version: str
:param data: 节点 ID
:type data: dict
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.callback(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id", version="version", data={"key": "value"}).result
# True
def get_pipeline_states(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, root_id: str, flat_children=True
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param root_id: 根节点 ID
:type root_id: str
:param flat_children: 是否将所有子节点展开
:type flat_children: bool
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_pipeline_states(runtime=runtime, root_id="pipeline_id").data
{'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57': {'id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57', # 节点 ID
'state': 'FINISHED', # 节点状态
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57', # 根流程 ID
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57', # 父流程 ID
'version': 'vaf47e56f2f31401e979c3c47b2a0c285', # 状态版本
'loop': 1, # 重入次数
'retry': 0, # 重试次数
'skip': False, # 是否被跳过
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 688664, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 状态数据创建时间
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 688423, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 节点开始执行时间
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 775165, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 执行完成(成功或失败)时间
'children': {'e42035b3f98374062921a191115fc602e': {'id': 'e42035b3f98374062921a191115fc602e',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 've2d0fa10d7d842a1bcac25984620232a',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'skip': False,
'children': {},
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 744490, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 744308, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 746690, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
'e327f83de42df4ebfab375c271bf63d29': {'id': 'e327f83de42df4ebfab375c271bf63d29',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 'v893cdc14150d4df5b20f2db32ba142b3',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'children': {},
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 753321, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 753122, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 758697, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
'e6c7d7a3721ca4b19a5a7f3b34d8387bf': {'id': 'e6c7d7a3721ca4b19a5a7f3b34d8387bf',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'parent_id': 'pc31c89e6b85a4e2c8c5db477978c1a57',
'version': 'v0c661ee6994d4eb4bdbfe5260f9a9f22',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'children': {},
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 767563, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 767384, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 3, 45, 54, 773341, tzinfo=<UTC>)}}}}
def get_children_states(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 父流程 ID
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_children_states(runtime=runtime, node_id="pipeline_id").data
{'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42': {'id': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42', # 节点 ID
'state': 'FINISHED', # 节点状态
'root_id:': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42', # 根流程 ID
'parent_id': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42', # 父流程 ID
'version': 'v512822ec7fbc4c3180bddb4a6e3f72ad', # 状态版本
'loop': 1, # 重入次数
'retry': 0, # 重试次数
'skip': False, # 是否被跳过
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 725395, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 状态数据创建时间
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 725130, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 节点开始执行时间
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 842400, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 执行完成(成功或失败)时间
'children': {'e571501dfbf204e679347c4a74a4ad2ae': {'id': 'e571501dfbf204e679347c4a74a4ad2ae',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42',
'parent_id': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42',
'version': 'vf72134b379224b5e95bd1b1c887b2b1e',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 806533, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 806038, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 809831, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
'ea3e45c2685e148e9849e4a34e992a562': {'id': 'ea3e45c2685e148e9849e4a34e992a562',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42',
'parent_id': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42',
'version': 'vbca6dd994806449bbfdfb372457189bc',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 817497, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 817295, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 823874, tzinfo=<UTC>)},
'efdb8de56dec5419baa0c68ae9af6a671': {'id': 'efdb8de56dec5419baa0c68ae9af6a671',
'state': 'FINISHED',
'root_id:': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42',
'parent_id': 'p07926dd8e81a4f0d9cd484d4856afd42',
'version': 'v957e052ef10d4d14b3fc039893ec70ae',
'loop': 1,
'retry': 0,
'skip': False,
'error_ignorable': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过(老版本 API 兼容字段)
'error_ignored': False, # 是否出错后自动跳过
'created_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 834135, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'started_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 833957, tzinfo=<UTC>),
'archived_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 5, 22, 840337, tzinfo=<UTC>)}}}}
def get_execution_data_inputs(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_execution_data_inputs(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").data
{'_loop': 1}
def get_execution_data_outputs(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_execution_data_outputs(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").data
def get_execution_data(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_execution_data(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").data
{'inputs': {'_loop': 1}, 'outputs': {}}
def get_data(runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_data(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").data
{'inputs': {'_loop': 1}, 'outputs': {}}
def get_node_histories(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, loop: int = -1
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:param loop: 重入次数, -1 表示不过滤重入次数
:type loop: int, optional
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_node_histories(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").data
"id": 1, # 历史 ID
"node_id": "e34ef61258b134ffaae42efee2ab9ff1b", # 节点 ID
"started_time": datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 10, 9, 350028, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 节点开始执行时间
"archived_time": datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 10, 9, 352609, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 执行完成(成功或失败)时间
"loop": 1, # 重入次数
"skip": False, # 是否被跳过
"version": "vg4ef61258b134ffaae42efee2ab9ff1b", # 状态版本
"inputs": {}, # 输入执行数据
"outputs": {}, # 输出执行数据
def get_node_short_histories(
runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface, node_id: str, loop: int = -1
) -> EngineAPIResult:
:param runtime: 引擎运行时实例
:type runtime: EngineRuntimeInterface
:param node_id: 节点 ID
:type node_id: str
:param loop: 重入次数, -1 表示不过滤重入次数
:type loop: int, optional
:return: 执行结果
:rtype: EngineAPIResult
runtime = BambooDjangoRuntime()
api.get_node_histories(runtime=runtime, node_id="node_id").data
"id": 1, # 历史 ID
"node_id": "e34ef61258b134ffaae42efee2ab9ff1b", # 节点 ID
"started_time": datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 10, 9, 350028, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 节点开始执行时间
"archived_time": datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 10, 11, 10, 9, 352609, tzinfo=<UTC>), # 执行完成(成功或失败)时间
"loop": 1, # 重入次数
"skip": False, # 是否被跳过
"version": "vg4ef61258b134ffaae42efee2ab9ff1b", # 状态版本