Our project primarily focuses on clean and safe environment indicators aligned to one of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations (UN). We show the current trends and overall situation of water consumption, sanitation, and hygiene around the world. We use several measures of central tendencies and measure of dispersion to dissect the data and prepare the numerous info graphs. You can create your own analysis, charts, and graphs, and maps using the simple built-in functions.
In order to setup the project, please proceed as follows:
Just run the "main" configuration of our code, the rest of the project is self-explanatory. The program will guide you through the next steps, enjoy! :)
Next step: Select the type of diagram. You have four options (scatterplot, barplot, lineplot and map), here we chose scatterplot:
In a first step you have to determine the variable for the x-axis, in this case we will have the year on the x-axis.
Next, you have to determine the second variable for the y-axis, as you can see we decided to choose the „basic national hygiene“.
In a third step you have to choose a country and type it correctly. Here we decided to go for „Yemen“. Basically any country works, if you’re not sure about the spelling, you can have a look on the list of countries that appears after choosing the second variable.
If you want to see the worldwide average fort he variable you chose, you can type „average“. Otherwise just type „finished“ for the result, that’s what we did here.
The result you’ll get is a scatterplot with the proportion oft he population (%) that has access to basic national hygiene in Yemen depending on the year.
A browser window appears and you get a map where you can see the worldwide population in 2005 highlighted in different colours. A colour scale can be found at the top right.
-fixing some minor issues (e.g. adding some units of measurement wherever it's missing)
-checking the code on some hidden error triggers
-Working on our dropdown menu idea, since we are python/data science beginners we couldn't develop the necessary skills to include this feature in our code.