This is a Python code that I have written to search through my excel spreadsheet (that I use to keep track of my card collection).
The script runs on both Windows and Linux OS but relies on the file being in Documents/Spreadsheets/ directory. It also needs the file to be called FFTCG_automated.xlsx but is possible to change the name if needed.
- Make sure the excel file is in the Documents/Spreadsheets/ directory and named FFTCG_automated.xlsx
- Download the code by cloning the repository
- Run the code in an IDE or go to the folder its in and open the command-prompt/terminal inside the folder
- When the command-prompt/terminal opens it should already be in the folder's directory
- Create a Python virtual environment with
py -m venv <file name>
orpython3 -m venv <file name>
Open the .bat (on Windows) or .desktop file (on Linux) to run the script.
CALL C:\Users\teren\Desktop\Python_stuff\Programs\Excel_Searcher\env\Scripts\activate.bat @py.exe C:\Users\teren\Desktop\Python_stuff\Programs\Excel_Searcher\ %* @pause
[Desktop Entry] Name=card_script Exec=/home/tc/Desktop/Python_Scripts/Excel_Searcher-Python/ Type=Application Categories=GTK;GNOME;Utility; Icon= Comment= Path= Terminal=true StartupNotify=false
#!/usr/bin/env bash activate() { source /home/tc/Desktop/Python_Scripts/Excel_Searcher-Python/env/bin/activate } activate python3 /home/tc/Desktop/Python_Scripts/Excel_Searcher-Python/ deactivate bash
- Use Polymorphism to shorten code length