- MongoDB
- Node.js + Express.js
- Mocha + chai for tests
- Nodemon for developement purposes
- Forever for production purposes
- Model - View - Controller - Service architecture
- Middleware support
- Loaders layer
- JWT authorization with HttpOnly cookie support
- NYC logs saved into file
- Scheduled jobs with agenda.js
- Mailer with nodemailer
- Security middleware
- CORS support
- Recaptcha 2 and 3 support
- Configuration via config.env file
- HttpContext support with express-http-context
- Support https based on config.env. Certs can be placed in config directory
- Mocha tests depends on config.env
- Base controller for basic CRUD operations on Mongoose models
- Configure file
, set username:password@host:port/collection in DATABASE variable. - Install dependencies
npm install
- Run project
npm run dev
ornpm run prod
- server.js - Responsible for run the application.
- config.env - environment variables
- api
- middleware - API middleware (auth, error handling)
- routes - Routes with defined controllers to handle requests.
- index.js - Script where all routes from routes catalog are signed to application
- config
- certs - Certificates for HTTPS connection
- constants - Constant values used in source code
- index.js - Script where placed are all variables from config.env
- controllers - Controllers to handle application logic. Those modules are used in router.
- jobs - Scheduled jobs (like cleaning database, etc.)
- loaders - Additional application modules that requires configuration are handled in loaders (like mongoose etc.). Index.js aggregate all of these and run.
- models - Data models handled with Mongoose
- validation - Additional validation functions for handling models
- services - Business logic. Each service can be created separately in each directory and aggregate in serviceFile
- subscribers - Global events (creating logs etc.). New event must be added in loaders if want to be global.
- utils - Additional application tools and methods