Daemon Master is a software which makes it possible to create and manage a Windows-service from any program. WARNING SOFTWARE IS IN ALPHA !
You can download the pre-release here: Click here
- Easy and fast creation, deletion and editing of services
- Creating / Editing new services in realtime
- Using any .exe program as a service
- Works with shortcuts (arguments are supported)
- Works with .bat files
- Automatic service-startup with Windows itself (Manual, Automatic with delay and Disabled works also)
- Custom username and password for a service
- Support for "Virtual accounts" (virtual service accounts)
- Works very well for game servers (tested on DayZ/Arma and Minecraft, but should work well with other games as well; if not, any bug reports are welcome)
- Command line parameters (expertimental)
- Moving to .NET8 and a more modern looking UI
- Using CsWin32 instead of own DllImports
- Advanced Installer (for the open source license)
- JetBrains (for the open source license)
- pinvoke.net (and its users)
- stackoverflow.com (for help from the users)
- entwickler-ecke.de (for help from the users)
- Newtonsoft.Json - James Newton - King - MIT License
- NLog - Jaroslaw Kowalski, Kim Christensen, Julian Verdurmen - BSD 3 clause "New" or "Revised" License
- AutoUpdater.NET - RBSoft - MIT License
- Active Directory Object Picker - Tulpep - MS-PL License
- ListView Layout Manager - Jani Giannoudis - CPOL License
- Command Line Parser Library for CLR and NetStandard - Giacomo Stelluti Scala & Contributors - MIT License
- MCPC10,
- stuffi3000
GPL 3.0