A bot that manages different functionality for 2 discord servers, referred to as ServerA and ServerB.
[General Functionality]:
* Allow users to send anonymous messages/replies using /secret or /secretreply
* Snitch switch, which prints who says what for the afore mentioned functionality
* Allows users without elevated permissions to pin messages by reacting to a message with a pin emoji
* Delete all messages from a channel using /manualPurge
[ServerA Functionality]:
* Periodically wipe a "whiteboard" channel at a set time daily.
* Extended anonymous functionality as described in [General Functionality], with the addition of the option to DM the bot
to send a message, which allows media to be sent as well.
[ServerB Functionality]:
* Act as a mute switch for two users/bots via /timeoutmomdad, which turns their mute switch on/off
Possible future functionality:
* Ability to go back and retrieve messages from DMs?
* Enumerate+print guild perms, to troubleshoot why functionality in one server might work and the other not?
* Combination of repudiation tracker for a 3rd server, serverC (would need to remove anonymous functionality for serverC)