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Syntaxe for JavaScript/TypeScript

MIT licensed NPM Version Top Language

Syntaxe is a declarative data querying library inspired by graphql.

Syntaxe, with the help of a schema and a variety of operators, can be used to perform any number of query operations on most types of data e.g. String, Object or Array.

Table of Contents


Setup đź’ľ

npm install syntaxe


A basic example (ES Modules)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: [1,2,3],
  schema: `[size]`

const result = await sx.query();
// Result: 3

// OR

sx.query().then((result) => {});
// Result: 3

A basic example (CommonJs)

const Syntaxe = require("syntaxe");

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: [1,2,3],
  schema: `[size]`

sx.query().then((result) => {});
// Result: 3


Schema ✍🏽️

Whatsa Skee-ma-ah?

If your data were you, the schema would bear some resemblance to your reflection.

In syntaxe, the schema determines how your data is queried. It represents the structure of the value to be returned or the computed result of the data.

A schema can be object-like if the data contains object(s), such as [{..},{..}] or {..}, or it can be in-line for any type of data. Additionally, it may incorporate one or more operators (just key or key-value pair), such as [first], [gt:2], [ago:"5minutes"] and so on, which assist in tailoring the result to your requirements.

To compose a proper schema, it is essential to always enclose it within backtick symbols (`) to denote its scope.

Object schema example

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: users

Object schema
1. Extract the specified properties of each object in the array (id, login, type and site_admin)
2. For each object, rename 'login' to 'username' - [as:"username"] 
3. Return the first two entries - [first:2] 

const olSchemaResult = await sx.query({
  schema: `{
    login [as:"username"]
  } [first:2]`

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

  { id: 1, username: 'mojombo', type: 'User', site_admin: false },
  { id: 2, username: 'defunkt', type: 'User', site_admin: false }

In-line schema example

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: users

1. Extract the entries from index 2 to index 8
2. Return the size of the extracted data, if it is greater than 4

const inSchemaResult = await sx.query({
  schema: `[btw:[2,8]][size][gt:4]`

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

Result: 6

Methods 🏒

Instance methods

Method Description Usage Returns


This method is used to define the data to be queried
const useCase1 = new Syntaxe({
  schema: `[first]`
Syntaxe object (useful for method chaining)


This method is used to define the schema for querying the data
const useCase1 = new Syntaxe({
  data: [1,2,3,4,5]
Syntaxe object (useful for method chaining)


This is an asynchronous method that uses the defined schema to query the set data
const useCase1 = new Syntaxe();[1,2,3,4,5]);
const result = await useCase1.query();

Value: Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean or undefined

Method chaining

Syntaxe methods can be chained together to define the properties required to perform a query.

const useCase1 = new Syntaxe();
const result = await useCase1
                      .data(['apple', 'banana', 'orange'])

// Result: 'orange'

Public properties 📢

success & error

When a query fails in Syntaxe, it doesn't break the execution of your program. Instead it pushes the status of the query and the reason for the failure to object properties that can accessed through the instance, namely:

  • success - contains the status of query. Value is true or false, and
  • error - contains some information on why the query failed.

Examples 🎮

Use case 1 (Pass data and schema to the constructor)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

Object schema
1. Extract the specified properties of each object in the array (id and login)
2. Return the first five entries - [first:5] 

const useCase1 = new Syntaxe({
  data: users,
  schema: `{
  } [first:5]`
let result = await useCase1.query();

// Check if the query was successful
if (useCase1.success) {
  // Do something with result
} else {
  let queryError = useCase1.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

  { id: 1, login: 'mojombo' },
  { id: 2, login: 'defunkt' },
  { id: 3, login: 'pjhyett' },
  { id: 4, login: 'wycats' },
  { id: 5, login: 'ezmobius' }

Use case 2 (Invoke the data and schema methods separately)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

In-line schema
1. Return the size of the data - [size] 

const useCase2 = new Syntaxe();;
let result = await useCase2.query();

// Check if the query was successful
if (useCase2.success) {
  // Do something with result
} else {
  let queryError = useCase2.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

Result: 30

Use case 3 (Pass the data and schema when the query method is invoked)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

Object schema
1. Extract the specified property of each object in the array (login)
2. For each object, rename 'login' to 'userId' - [as:"userId"]
3. Return the last entry - [last]

const useCase3 = new Syntaxe();
const useCase3Result = await useCase3.query({
  data: users,
  schema: `{
    login [as:"userId"]
  } [last]`

// Check if the query was successful
if (useCase3.success) {
  // Do something with result
} else {
  let queryError = useCase3.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

{ userId: 'bmizerany' }

Use case 4 (Invoke the data method, pass the schema when query method is invoked, and invoke the schema method)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

Object schema
1. Extract the specified properties of each object in the array (id and login)
2. Return objects with id less than 5 - [lt:5]
3. For each object, rename 'login' to 'secureId' - [as:"secureId"]

const useCase4 = new Syntaxe();;
const useCase4Result1 = await useCase4.query({
  schema: `{
    id [lt:5]
    login [as:"secureId"]

// Check if the query was successful
if (useCase4.success) {
  // Do something with result
} else {
  let queryError = useCase4.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

  { id: 1, secureId: 'mojombo' },
  { id: 2, secureId: 'defunkt' },
  { id: 3, secureId: 'pjhyett' },
  { id: 4, secureId: 'wycats' }

Object schema
1. Extract the specified property of each object in the array (id)
2. For each object, rename 'id' to 'sn' and only return objects where sn is greater than 5 - [as:"sn"][gt:5]
3. Return the first 10 entries

  id [as:"sn"] [gt:5]
} [first:10]`);
let result = await useCase4.query();

// Check if the query was successful
if (useCase4.success) {
  // Do something with result
} else {
  let queryError = useCase4.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

  { sn: 6 },  { sn: 7 },
  { sn: 17 }, { sn: 18 },
  { sn: 19 }, { sn: 20 },
  { sn: 21 }, { sn: 22 },
  { sn: 23 }, { sn: 25 }

Use case 5 (Invoke both data and schema methods by chaining them to perform a query)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

Object schema
1. Extract the specified properties of each object in the array (id, login and type)
2. Return objects with any type that is not equal to "user" - [nei:"user"] (case-insensitive)

const useCase5 = new Syntaxe();
const useCase5Result = await useCase5
                                type [nei:"user"]

// Check if the query was successful
if (useCase5.success) {
  // Do something with result
} else {
  let queryError = useCase5.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

[ { id: 44, login: 'errfree', type: 'Organization' } ]

Use case 6 (Using the .then() Promise method)

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

Object schema
1. Extract the specified property of each object in the array (type)
2. Process objects where type is equal to "user" - [eqi:"user"] (case-insensitive)
3. Return the size of the result

const useCase6 = new Syntaxe();
const useCase6Result = useCase6
                          type [eqi:"user"]
                        } [size]`)

useCase6Result.then((result) => {
  // Check if the query was successful
  if (useCase6.success) {
    // Do something with result
  } else {
    let queryError = useCase6.error;

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.



What are thoseâť“

Operators are an essential part of performing queries with syntaxe, they can be used in conjunction with a schema to filter or mutate the data.

Operators are always enclosed in square brackets [], and can be surgical (mutate data) or logical (filter based on conditions), with the exception of the independent omission operator ?.

Omission Operator âś‚

This operator is used to omit any part of the computed data not needed in the final result.

This is especially good for scenarios where a property not needed in the final result, may have associated operations necessary to determine the overall returned data.

Please note that the operator ? must always be appended to the property to be omitted i.e. id? [gt:2].

Sample Usage

import Syntaxe from "syntaxe";

const response = await fetch('');
const users = await response.json();

Object schema
1. Extract the specified properties of each object in the array (id, login and site_admin)
2. id must be greater than 10 - [gt:10]
3. Rename 'login' to 'userId' - [as:"userId"]
4. site_admin must match false - [eq:"false"]
4. Omit site_admin and return just id and login for each object - ? 
4. Return the first entry of resulting array - [first]

const sxObj = new Syntaxe();
const result = await sxObj.query({
  data: users,
  schema: `{
    id [gt:10]
    login [as:"userId"]
    site_admin? [eq:"false"]
  } [first]`

Result is based on the state of the data returned by '' as of February 12, 2024.

{ id: 17, userId: 'vanpelt' }

Surgical Operators đź’‰

Surgical operators cause the data to mutate and return the mutated result.

When used in conjuction with logical operator(s), the result of the mutation is piped into the succeeding logical operator(s).


Surgical operators, however and wherever they are used, DETERMINE WHAT VALUE IS RETURNED.

Operator Description Usage



Substitues a property name for another (the new property name returned will be the value assigned to the 'as' operator)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [{ id: 1, login: "john" }],
  schema: `{
    login [as:"username"]


Remove Extra Whitespace

Removes any extra whitespace in a string value or replaces it with any value provided
// removes extra whitespace
const schemaOne = `{
  title [rew]

// replaces extra whitespace
const schemaTwo = `{
  title [rew:"*"]

new Syntaxe({
  data: [{
    id: 1,
    title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher   's Stone"
  schema: schemaOne // or schemaTwo


Remove Whitespace

Removes any whitespace in a string or replaces it with any value provided
// removes any whitespace
const schemaOne = `{
  title [rw]

// replaces any whitespace
const schemaTwo = `{
  title [rw:"*"]

new Syntaxe({
  data: [{ id: 1, title: "Tha no s" }],
  schema: schemaOne // or schemaTwo



Computes and returns the size of a value as the new value (applies to Array, String and Object)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [{
    id: 1,
    currencies: ["ngn", "usd", "gbp", "eur", "inr"]
  schema: `{
    currencies [as:"curr"][size]



Returns the first entry or specified number of entries (if specified) of an Array from the top
// first entry
const schemaOne = `{
  currencies [first]

// first 3 entries
const schemaTwo = `{
  currencies [first:3]

new Syntaxe({
  data: [{
    id: 1,
    currencies: ["ngn", "usd", "gbp", "eur", "inr"]
  schema: schemaOne // or schemaTwo



Returns the last entry or specified number of entries (if specified) of an Array from the top
// last entry
const schemaOne = `{
  currencies [last]

// last 3 entries
const schemaTwo = `{
  currencies [last:3]

new Syntaxe({
  data: [{
    id: 1,
    currencies: ["ngn", "usd", "gbp", "eur", "inr"]
  schema: schemaOne // or schemaTwo



Returns the entries of an Array specified by a [minimum-index, maximum-index] range. NOTE: If just one index is provided as such [index], the minimum index defaults to 0
// from entry 1 to 2 (same as [first:2])
const schemaOne = `{
  currencies [btw:2]

// from entry 3 to 5
const schemaTwo = `{
  currencies [btw:[2,5]]

new Syntaxe({
  data: [{
    id: 1,
    currencies: ["ngn", "usd", "gbp", "eur", "inr"]
  schema: schemaOne // or schemaTwo



Returns a list of distinct values (applies to Array). NOTE: If a value is assigned to the 'dist' operator, it is used to filter existing objects in the array
// distinct values
const schemaOne = `{
  currencies [dist]

  distinct values
  (objects distinguished by their code property)
const schemaTwo = `{
  currencies [dist:"code"]

new Syntaxe({
  data: [{
    id: 1,
    currencies: [
      { name: "Pound Sterling", code: "gbp" },
      { name: "Euro", code: "eur" },
      { name: "Pound Sterling", code: "gbp" },
  schema: schemaOne // or schemaTwo

Logical Operators 🧠

Logical operators do not cause the data to mutate, and they only return the data if the condition(s) created by the operator(s) is/are met.

The data queried by logical operators can be the original value data, or the mutated result of surgical operators.


Logical operators, however and wherever they are used, DETERMINE IF THE VALUE IS RETURNED.

The mode and cond logical operators can be set to or or and, which determines the behavior of the query (how the query is processed).

An and will require all logical expressions to evaluate to true for the value to be returned.

An or will require at least one logical expression to evaluate to true for the value to be returned.

NOTE: When dealing with an array of objects, the mode operator can be applied to the object schema itself, or to any of the properties within the object.

Operator Description Usage


CONDITION (and, or)

Determines how a chain of operations associated with a property is evaluated.
Default: and

NOTE: Check below for more understanding of this operator.

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


MODE (and, or)

Determines how properties in an object with associated operations are evaluated.
Default: and

NOTE: Check below for more understanding of this operator.

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
  } [mode:"or"]`
  { id: 1, statusDate: '2/8/2023' },
  { id: 2, statusDate: '6/10/2024' }



Checks if data value equates to a provided value.
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { id: 1, currencies: 'ngn' } ]


Equal (case-insensitive)

Checks if data value equates to a provided value (case-insensitive)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'ngn' } ]


Not Equal

Checks if data value does not equate to a provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
  { currencies: 'inr' },
  { currencies: 'usd' }


Not Equal (case-insensitive)

Checks if data value does not equate to a provided value (case-insensitive)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Greater Than

Checks if data value is greater than a provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { id: 2, currencies: 'usd' } ]


Greater Than or Equal

Checks if data value is greater than or equal to a provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    id: 1,
    currencies: [ 'ngn', 'usd' ]
  { id: 2, currencies: 'usd' }


Less Than

Checks if data value is lesser than a provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { id: 1, currencies: 'ngn' } ]


Less Than or Equal

Checks if data value is lesser than or equal to a provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { id: 1, currencies: 'inr' } ]


Not Null

Checks if data value is not null, undefined or an empty string
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: null }
  schema: `{
// [ { id: 1, currencies: 'inr' } ]



Checks if data intersects or contains any of the provided values (applies to Array)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies[in:["gbp", "usd"]]
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'
  { currencies: 'usd' }


Not In

Checks if data doesn't intersect and doesn't contain any of the provided values (applies to Array)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


In (case-insensitive)

Checks if data contains case-insensitive value (applies to Array)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'


Not In (case-insensitive)

Checks if data does not contain case-insensitive value (applies to Array)
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Regular Expression (Match)

Checks if a data value matches provided regular expression
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'


Regular Expression (Doesn't match)

Checks if a data value does not match provided regular expression
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Regular Expression (In)

Checks if a data value matches any entry in an array of regular expressions
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies[regexin:[ /eu/, /gbp/ ]]
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'


Regular Expression (Not In)

Checks if a data value matches none of the entries in an array of regular expressions
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies[regexnin:[ /eu/, /gbp/ ]]
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Size Equal

Checks if the size of data value is equal to provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Size Not Equal

Checks if the size of data value is not equal to provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'


Size Greater Than

Checks if the size of data value is greater than provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'


Size Less Than

Checks if the size of data value is less than provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// []


Size Greater Than or Equal

Checks if the size of data value is greater than or equals provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'
  { currencies: 'usd' }


Size Less Than or Equal

Checks if the size of data value is less than or equals provided value
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Size In

Checks if the size of data value is provided range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
    currencies: [
      'ngn', 'usd', 'gbp',
      'eur', 'inr'


Size Not In

Checks if the size of data value is not provided range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      currencies: [
        "ngn", "usd", "gbp",
        "eur", "inr"
    { id: 2, currencies: "usd" }
  schema: `{
// [ { currencies: 'usd' } ]


Date Equal

Checks if date value is equal to provided date
const dateValue = new Date(2024,2,6);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024' } ]


Date Not Equal

Checks if date value is not equal to provided date
const dateValue = new Date(2024,2,6);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024' } ]


Date Greater Than

Checks if date value is greater than provided date
const dateValue = new Date(2024,2,6);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024' } ]


Date Less Than

Checks if date value is less than provided date
const dateValue = new Date(2024,2,6);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// []


Date Greater Than or Equal

Checks if date value is greater than or equal to provided date
const dateValue = new Date(2024,2,6);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '3/6/2024' },
  { statusDate: '3/8/2024' }


Date Less Than or Equal

Checks if date value is less than or equal to provided date
const dateValue = new Date(2024,2,6);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024' } ]


Date In

Checks if date value matches an entry in array
const dateValue1 = new Date(2024,2,4);
const dateValue2 = new Date(2024,2,7);
const dateValue3 = new Date(2024,2,8);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024' } ]


Date Not In

Checks if date value matches no entry in array
const dateValue1 = new Date(2024,2,4);
const dateValue2 = new Date(2024,2,7);
const dateValue3 = new Date(2024,2,8);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024' } ]


Date In Range

Checks if date value is in provided date range
const dateValue1 = new Date(2024,2,4);
const dateValue2 = new Date(2024,2,7);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024' } ]


Date Not In Range

Checks if date value is not in provided date range
const dateValue1 = new Date(2024,2,4);
const dateValue2 = new Date(2024,2,7);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024' } ]


Date/Time Equal

Checks if datetime value is equal to provided datetime
const dtmValue = new Date(2024,2,8,10,0,0);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Not Equal

Checks if datetime value is not equal to provided datetime
const dtmValue = new Date(2024,2,8,10,0,0);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Greater Than

Checks if datetime value is greater than provided datetime
const dtmValue = new Date(2024,2,6,10,30,50);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Less Than

Checks if datetime value is less than provided datetime
const dtmValue = new Date(2024,2,6,10,30,50);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Greater Than or Equal

Checks if datetime value is greater than or equal to provided datetime
const dtmValue = new Date(2024,2,6,10,30,50);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Less Than or Equal

Checks if datetime value is less than or equal to provided datetime
const dtmValue = new Date(2024,2,6,10,30,50);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time In

Checks if datetime value is in provided datetime range
const dtmValue1 = new Date(2024,2,5,23,59,50);
const dtmValue2 = new Date(2024,2,6,10,0,0);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Not In

Checks if datetime value is not in provided datetime range
const dtmValue1 = new Date(2024,2,5,23,59,50);
const dtmValue2 = new Date(2024,2,6,10,0,0);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time In Range

Checks if datetime value is in provided datetime range
const dtmValue1 = new Date(2024,2,5,23,59,50);
const dtmValue2 = new Date(2024,2,6,10,0,1);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Date/Time Not In Range

Checks if datetime value is not in provided datetime range
const dtmValue1 = new Date(2024,2,5,23,59,50);
const dtmValue2 = new Date(2024,2,6,10,0,1);

new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '3/6/2024 10:00:00'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '3/8/2024 10:00:00' } ]


Year Equal

Checks if year value is equal to provided year
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Year Not Equal

Checks if year value is not equal to provided year
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Year Greater Than

Checks if year value is greater than provided year
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Year Less Than

Checks if year value is less than provided year
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Year Greater Than or Equal

Checks if year value is greater than or equal to provided year
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Year Less Than or Equal

Checks if year value is less than or equal to provided year
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' }


Year In

Checks if year value is in provided year range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[yin:[2024, 2025]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Year Not In

Checks if year value is not in provided year range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[ynin:[2024, 2025]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Month Equal

Checks if month value is equal to provided month
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Month Not Equal

Checks if month value is not equal to provided month
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Month Greater Than

Checks if month value is greater than provided month
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Month Less Than

Checks if month value is less than provided month
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// []


Month Greater Than or Equal

Checks if month value is greater than or equal to provided month
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024' }


Month Less Than or Equal

Checks if month value is less than or equal to provided month
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Month In

Checks if month value matches any entry in provided month array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[min:[1, "February", "Apr"]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Month Not In

Checks if month value matches no entry in provided month array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[min:[1, "February", "Apr"]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Month In Range

Checks if month value is in provided month range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[min:[1, 4]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Month Not In Range

Checks if month value is not in provided month range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[mnin:[1, 4]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]



Checks if date value is today
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// []


Day Equal

Checks if day value is equal to provided day
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Day Not Equal

Checks if day value is not equal to provided day
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Day Greater Than

Checks if day value is greater than provided day
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
[ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Day Less Than

Checks if day value is less than provided day
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// []


Day Greater Than or Equal

Checks if day value is greater than or equal to provided day
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024' }


Day Less Than or Equal

Checks if day value is less than or equal to provided day
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Day In

Checks if day value matches any entry in provided day array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[din:[3, 6, 8, 10]]
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024' }


Day Not In

Checks if day value matches no entry in provided day array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dnin:[3, 6, 8, 10]]
// []


Day In Range

Checks if day value is in provided day range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dinrange:[1, 10]]
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024' }


Day Not In Range

Checks if day value is not in provided day range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dninrange:[1, 10]]
// []


Day of Week Equal

Checks if day is equal to provided day of week
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Day of Week Not Equal

Checks if day is not equal to provided day of week
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Day of Week Greater Than

Checks if date's day is greater than provided day of week
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Day of Week Less Than

Checks if date's day is less than provided day of week
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// []


Day of Week Greater Than or Equal

Checks if date's day is greater than or equal to provided day of week
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024' }


Day of Week Less Than or Equal

Checks if date's day is less than or equal to provided day of week
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Day of Week In

Checks if date's day matches any entry in provided day of week array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dwin:["Mon", "Tue", "Fri"]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Day of Week Not In

Checks if date's day matches no entry in provided day of week array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dwnin:["Mon", "Tue", "Fri"]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Day of Week In Range

Checks if date's day is in provided day of week range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dwinrange:["Tue", "Fri"]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023' } ]


Day of Week Not In Range

Checks if date's day is not in provided day of week range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[dwninrange:["Tue", "Fri"]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024' } ]


Hour Equal

Checks if hour value is equal to provided hour
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Hour Not Equal

Checks if hour value is not equal to provided hour
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Hour Greater Than

Checks if hour value is greater than provided hour
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// []


Hour Less Than

Checks if hour value is less than provided hour
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Hour Greater Than or Equal

Checks if hour value is greater than or equal to provided hour
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Hour Less Than or Equal

Checks if hour value is less than or equal to provided hour
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' }


Hour In

Checks if hour value matches any entry in hour array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Hour Not In

Checks if hour value matches no entry in hour array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Hour In Range

Checks if hour value is in provided hour range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Hour Not In Range

Checks if hour value is not in provided hour range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Minute Equal

Checks if minute value is equal to provided minute
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Minute Not Equal

Checks if minute value is not equal to provided minute
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Minute Greater Than

Checks if minute value is greater than provided minute
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// []


Minute Less Than

Checks if minute value is less than provided minute
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Minute Greater Than or Equal

Checks if minute value is greater than or equal to provided minute
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Minute Less Than or Equal

Checks if minute value is less than or equal to provided minute
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
  { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' },
  { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' }


Minute In

Checks if minute value matches any entry in minute array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Minute Not In

Checks if minute value matches no entry in minute array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Minute In Range

Checks if minute value is in provided minute range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Minute Not In Range

Checks if minute value is not in provided minute range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Time Equal

Checks if time value is equal to provided time
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Time Not Equal

Checks if time value is not equal to provided time
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Time Greater Than

Checks if time value is greater than provided time
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Time Less Than

Checks if time value is less than provided time
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// []


Time In

Checks if time value matches any entry in time array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[tin:["4:00:00", "5:23:34"]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Time Not In

Checks if time value matches no entry in time array
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[tnin:["4:00:00", "5:23:34"]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Time In Range

Checks if time value is in provided time range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    [tinrange:["4:00:00", "5:30:35"]]
// [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' } ]


Time Not In Range

Checks if time value is not in provided time range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    [tninrange:["4:00:00", "5:30:35"]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]



Checks if time matches provided time period
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]


Ago In

Checks if time falls in a provided time period range
new Syntaxe({
  data: [
      id: 1,
      status: 'success',
      statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10'
      id: 2,
      status: 'failed',
      statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34'
  schema: `{
    statusDate[agoin:["5months", "2years"]]
// [ { statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' } ]

The COND operator

The cond operator is valuable for chaining multiple operations (that may not always evaluate to 'true' independently) to be executed on a value or an object's property. It helps determine the logic for returning data based on the condition(s).

The value for the operator can be and or or.

Default is and.

COND explanation by example

// Data
const dateInfoArray = [
    id: 1,
    status: 'success',
    statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' // Wed Feb 08 2023 12:40:10 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
    id: 2,
    status: 'failed',
    statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' // Mon Jun 10 2024 05:23:34 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
Considering the default logic for [cond] is 'and', what we want to do is:
1. Return only id and statusDate properties for each object in the array.
2. Each object is added to the resulting data ONLY IF ALL operations associated with 'statusDate' evaluate to true.
   The year must be '2024', the month must be 'October' and the day must be the 8th.

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: dateInfoArray,
  schema: `{
    statusDate [yeq:2024] [meq:"October"] [deq:8]
await sx.query();

Result: []

The result is an empty array because all three operations associated with statusDate do not evaluate to true for any of the objects in the array.
As opposed to the previous example, we will add the [cond] operator in this example and apply the 'or' logic. What we want to do is:
1. Return only id and statusDate properties for each object in the array.
2. Each object is added to the resulting data IF AT LEAST ONE operation associated with 'statusDate' evaluates to true.
   The year could be '2024' or the month could be 'October' or the day could be the 8th or not.

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: dateInfoArray,
  schema: `{
    statusDate [yeq:2024] [meq:"October"] [deq:8] [cond:"or"]
await sx.query();

  { id: 1, statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' },
  { id: 2, statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' }

The resulting array contains two objects because the 'statusDate' in the first object matches the [deq:8] operation,
while the 'statusDate' in the second object matches the [yeq:2024] operation.

The MODE operator

The mode operator is valuable for processing an object based on the combined evaluation of all operations associated with its properties. It helps determine the logic for returning data based on the operations of its properties.

The value for the operator can be and or or.

Default is and.

MODE explanation by example

// Data
const dateInfoArray = [
    id: 1,
    status: 'success',
    statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' // Wed Feb 08 2023 12:40:10 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
    id: 2,
    status: 'failed',
    statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' // Mon Jun 10 2024 05:23:34 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
Considering the default logic for [mode] is 'and', what we want to do is:
1. Return id, status and statusDate properties for each object in the array.
2. Each object is added to the resulting data ONLY IF ALL operations associated with 'id', 'status' and 'statusDate' evaluate to true.
   - The id must be '2'.
   - The status must be 'SUCCESS' (regardless of case).
   - The statusDate must have a year of '2024', the month must be 'April' and the day must be the 8th.
   All properties with operations must have their chain of operations evaluate to true.

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: dateInfoArray,
  schema: `{
    id [eq:2]
    status [eqi:"SUCCESS"]
    statusDate [yeq:2024] [meq:"April"] [deq:8] [cond:"or"]
await sx.query();

Result: []

The result is an empty array because all operations associated with id, status and statusDate do not evaluate to true for any of the objects in the array.
By injecting [mode] into the query with a logic of 'or', what we want to do is:
1. Return id, status and statusDate properties for each object in the array.
2. Each object is added to the resulting data IF AT LEAST ONE of the properties has its operations evaluate to true.
   - The id could be '2' or not.
   - The status could be 'SUCCESS' or not.
   - The statusDate could have a year of '2024', a month of 'April' and the day could be 8th or not.
   But at least one of the these conditions above must evaluate to true for the object to be added to the resulting data.

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: dateInfoArray,
  schema: `{
    id [eq:2]
    status [eqi:"SUCCESS"]
    statusDate [yeq:2024] [meq:"April"] [deq:8] [cond:"or"]
  } [mode:"or"]`
await sx.query();

  { id: 1, status: 'success', statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:40:10' },
  { id: 2, status: 'failed', statusDate: '6/10/2024 05:23:34' }

The resulting array contains two objects because:
- The first object has an 'id' that doesn't match the operation expressed as [eq:2],
  its 'status' matches the case-insenstive operation expressed as [eqi:"SUCCESS"].
  Seeing as the 'statusDate' applies the [cond] operator with the 'or' logic,
  its value doesn't match the year of '2024' expressed as [yeq:2024],
  doesn't match the month 'April' expressed as [meq:"April"],
  but matches the day expressed as [deq:8].
  While 'id' evaluates to false, status and statusDate both evaluate to true.
- The second object has an 'id' that matches the operation expressed as [eq:2],
  its 'status' doesn't match the case-insenstive operation expressed as [eqi:"SUCCESS"].
  Its 'statusDate' matches the year '2024' expressed as [yeq:2024],
  doesn't match the month 'April' expressed as [meq:"April"],
  and doesn't match the day expressed as [deq:10].
  While its 'id' evaluates to true, its status evaluates to false while its statusDate evaluates to true.

Month operators

The month operators come in handy when trying to filter date values by their month component.

All month operators available are:

  1. [meq] (Month Equal)
  2. [mne] (Month Not Equal)
  3. [mgt] (Month Greater Than)
  4. [mlt] (Month Less Than)
  5. [mgte] (Month Greater Than or Equal)
  6. [mlte] (Month Less Than or Equal)
  7. [min] (Month In)
  8. [mnin] (Month Not In)
  9. [minrange] (Month In Range)
  10. [mninrange] (Month Not In Range)

While expressions can be made with these operators using numeric representations of months such as [me:1] or [mgt:6], their alphabetic representations can also be paired with the operators such as [me:"January"] or [min:["Feb", "Mar", "November"]].

All acceptable month formats are (Numeric = Full Alphabetic = Short Alphabetic):

  1. 1 = January = Jan
  2. 2 = February = Feb
  3. 3 = March = Mar
  4. 4 = April = Apr
  5. 5 = May = May
  6. 6 = June = Jun
  7. 7 = July = Jul
  8. 8 = August = Aug
  9. 9 = September = Sep
  10. 10 = October = Oct
  11. 11 = November = Nov
  12. 12 = December = Dec

Day of week operators

Day of week operators are useful for filtering date values based on what day of the week their day component corresponds to.

All day of week operators available are:

  1. [dweq] (Day of Week Equal)
  2. [dwne] (Day of Week Equal)
  3. [dwgt] (Day of Week Greater Than)
  4. [dwlt] (Day of Week Less Than)
  5. [dwgte] (Day of Week Greater Than or Equal)
  6. [dwlte] (Day of Week Less Than or Equal)
  7. [dwin] (Day of Week In)
  8. [dwnin] (Day of Week Not In)
  9. [dwinrange] (Day of Week In Range)
  10. [dwninrange] (Day of Week Not In Range)

All acceptable day of week formats are (Numeric = Full Alphabetic = Short Alphabetic):

  1. 1 = Sunday = Sun
  2. 2 = Monday = Mon
  3. 3 = Tuesday = Mar
  4. 4 = Wednesday = Wed
  5. 5 = Thursday = Thur | Thu
  6. 6 = Friday = Fri
  7. 7 = Saturday = Sat

Time operators

When performing time-based query operations, you can match 12-hour time format values to 24-hour time format values and vice versa.

When you provide a 12-hour time value to match a 24-hour time value, you'll also have to specify the period e.g. am or pm.

// Data
const dateInfoArray = [
    id: 1,
    status: 'success',
    statusDate: '2/8/2023 12:30:00' // Wed Feb 08 2023 12:40:10 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
    id: 2,
    status: 'failed',
    statusDate: '6/10/2024 17:23:34' // Mon Jun 10 2024 05:23:34 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
    id: 3,
    status: 'pending',
    statusDate: '8/7/2024 03:20:22 pm' // Wed Aug 07 2024 15:20:22 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
// Match a 12-hour time value to 24-hour time values

const sx = new Syntaxe({
  data: dateInfoArray,
  schema: `{
    statusDate [teq:"05:23:34 pm"]
await sx.query();

// Result: [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 17:23:34' } ]
// Match a 24-hour time value to 12-hour time values

  statusDate [teq:"15:20:22"]
await sx.query();

// Result: [ { statusDate: '8/7/2024 03:20:22 pm' } ]
// Return any object with a 'statusDate' time value that is greater than '15:20:22'

await sx.query({
  schema: `{
    statusDate [tgt:"15:20:22"]

// Result: [ { statusDate: '6/10/2024 17:23:34' } ]

Ago operators

Ago operators can prove quite useful when querying data based on approximated time periods or ranges such as 2 hours ago, or a given time range such as between 2 hours and 3 days ago.

An additional way to use the [ago] operator is with the inclusion of + or - sign.

There are two ago operators:

  1. [ago] (Ago) - matches a past date/time value or period e.g. [ago:"5 minutes"] (occurred 5 minutes ago), [ago:"2 days"] (occurred 2 days ago), [ago:"+ 3 hours"] (occurred between now and 3 hours ago) or [ago:"- 10 months"] (occurred from 10 months ago and backwards)
  2. [agoin] (Ago In) - matches a date/time period range e.g. [agoin:["10 months", "2 years"]] (occurred between 10 months and 2 years ago)

All acceptable date/time period formats are (Short Alphabetic = Full Alphabetic = Plural Full Alphabetic):

  1. se = second = seconds
  2. mi = minute = minutes
  3. hr = hour = hours
  4. dy = day = days
  5. wk = week = weeks
  6. mo = month = month
  7. yr = year = years

Support and Feedback

If you find any bugs or inconsistency, please submit an issue here in GitHub.

If you have any issues using the library, please contact me by email [email protected] with the subject 'Problem Using Syntaxe'.

You are welcome to contribute or participate in making the library better.

NOTE: Development of this library in various technologies, such as PHP, C#, Java, Python, and others, is currently ongoing, with support for both standalone and REST API usage.


All changes to the project


The MIT License (MIT)