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VSCode-AutoItSnippets, display name "AutoIt Snippets" is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides helpful functions which are commonly used for all kind of programming or automation tasks within AutoIt. For example for the work with strings, dates, arrays, for getting information (system and more) or to record mouse actions or even for the w…


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VSCode-AutoItSnippets, display name "AutoIt Snippets" is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides helpful functions which are commonly used for all kind of programming or automation tasks within AutoIt. For example for the work with strings, dates, arrays, for getting information (system and more) or to record mouse actions or even for the work with GUIs.





Snippets with "array" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
ArrayCreate !_ArrayCreate Create and initialize a 1D array as example.
ArrayCreate2d !_ArrayCreate2d Create and initialize a 2d array as example.
ArrayDisplay !_ArrayDisplay Default _ArrayDisplay with the array name as title.
ArrayItemsToString !_ArrayItemsToString Combines all array items to a string. Similar to _ArrayToString function, but simpler.
FileContentToArray !_FileContentToArray File content or multiline string to array.
FilterEmptyLinesFromArray !_FilterEmptyLinesFromArray Remove empty strings from array.
GetCount !_GetCount Get array index count.
SortColumnSequenceOf2dArray !_SortColumnSequenceOf2dArray Sort column sequence alphabetically of a multidimensional array.
TransformToZeroBasedArray !_TransformToZeroBasedArray Transform an array which starts on index one to a zero based array.

Snippets with "convert" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
Base64ToBinary !_Base64ToBinary Convert a Base64 string to a binary string (vString).
BinaryToBase64 !_BinaryToBase64 Reads a binary file and convert to Base64 string.
ConvertBinToInt !_ConvertBinToInt Convert binary to integer.
ConvertHexToInt !_ConvertHexToInt Convert hex to integer.
ConvertIntToBin !_ConvertIntToBin Convert integer to binary.
ConvertIntToHex !_ConvertIntToHex Convert integer to hex.
ConvertIntToOct !_ConvertIntToOct Convert integer to octal number.
HexColorInvert !_HexColorInvert Invert the given hex color.

Snippets with "crypt" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
DecryptFromUtf16LittleEndian !_DecryptFromUtf16LittleEndian Decrypt from UTF16 Little Endian (UTF-16LE).
DecryptString !_DecryptString Decrypt a encrypted string by your default crypt key to be human readable.
EncryptString !_EncryptString Encrypt string by your default crypt key to encrypted unreadable string.
EncryptToUtf16LittleEndian !_EncryptToUtf16LittleEndian Encrypt to UTF16 Little Endian (UTF-16LE).

Snippets with "date" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
CalendarWeekToDays !_CalendarWeekToDays Get an array of days from the given calendar week.
GetDateDiffByBoundary !_GetDateDiffByBoundary Get date diff by boundary (e. g. 90 days from the current day).
GetDateTime !_GetDateTime Get current date and time as a timestamp.
GetHHMMSSOfSeconds !_GetHHMMSSOfSeconds Get hours, minutes and seconds of given seconds (reverse of _GetSecondsOfHHMMSS).
GetSecondsOfHHMMSS !_GetSecondsOfHHMMSS Get seconds of given hours, minutes and seconds (reverse of _GetHHMMSSOfSeconds).
GetTimerDiffInSecOrMin !_GetTimerDiffInSecOrMin Get timer diff in seconds or minutes.

Snippets with "debug" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
DoesFunctionExists !_DoesFunctionExists Check function exists by name of the function in the given file.
GetListOfAllFunctions !_GetListOfAllFunctions List all functions of the given file to an array.
GetListOfAllVariables !_GetListOfAllVariables List all variables of the given file to an array.

Snippets with "file" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
AddBackslashToPathEnd !_AddBackslashToPathEnd Ensure trailing backslash for a path.
AppendToFile !_AppendToFile Append text to file.
CreateFileWithSpecificSize !_CreateFileWithSpecificSize Create a dummy file with a specific file size.
ExistsNotAllowedCharacters !_ExistsNotAllowedCharacters Check string for not allowed characters regarding a file renaming action.
FileExistsBranch !_FileExistsBranch Check condition for file or directory exists.
GetFileContent !_GetFileContent Get file content to string.
GetFileProperties !_GetFileProperties Get all possible file properties to array.
GetFilePropertyValue !_GetFilePropertyValue Get specific file property value.
GetFileShare !_GetFileShare Get a list of FileShares as array.
GetJustFileExtension !_GetJustFileExtension Get just the file extension of a file name or file path.
GetJustFileName !_GetJustFileName Get just the file name of a file path (including the file extension).
GetJustPathOfFile !_GetJustPathOfFile Get just the path of a file.
IsFileInUse !_IsFileInUse Check is file in use by another process.
OpenFolder !_OpenFolder Open a given folder.
RelativeToAbsolutePath !_RelativeToAbsolutePath Resolve relative path to absolute path.
SaveBinaryToFile !_SaveBinaryToFile Create a binary file out of a binary string (vString). See _Base64ToBinary function.
SetMaxDirectories !_SetMaxDirectories Remove directories until the maximum count of directories is reached (e. g. for log directories with a timestamp as name).
SetMaxFiles !_SetMaxFiles Remove files until the maximum count of files is reached (e. g. for log files with a timestamp as name).
SortFileByAscOrDesc !_SortFileByAscOrDesc Sort file content ascending or descending.
WriteFile !_WriteFile Create or overwrite a file with the given content.

Snippets with "game" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
GetDistanceByPythagoras !_GetDistanceByPythagoras Get the distance from one point to an other point by Pythagoras.
IsKeyPressed !_IsKeyPressed Indicates that a key of the keyboard is pressed. Returns the boolean.
IsKeyReleased !_IsKeyReleased Indicates that a key of the keyboard was released after it was pressed. Returns the boolean.
IsPointPositionBetween !_IsPointPositionBetween Detects whether the position of a point is between two other positions.

Snippets with "gui" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
GetLabelSize !_GetLabelSize Get the label size (with or height in pixel).
GetMouseWheelMovementDirection !_GetMouseWheelMovementDirection Get the mouse wheel movement direction (mouse wheel detection) on the created GUI.
GetRandomColor !_GetRandomColor Get random color as html hex color (#) or as variant color (0x).
GetTaskbarHeight !_GetTaskbarHeight Get the height of windows taskbar.
GetWindowHandle !_GetWindowHandle Get window handle by title.
GuiAllowedInputs !_GuiAllowedInputs Control GUI input data by allowed input values (keystrokes).
GuiAnimation !_GuiAnimation Animates GUI appearance or disappearance by specific slide animations.
GuiControlCreateBorder !_GuiControlCreateBorder Creates a colored border for a specific control like label or for the whole GUI.
GuiFadeIn !_GuiFadeIn Fade GUI window in.
GuiFadeOut !_GuiFadeOut Fade GUI window out.
GuiInputFilterWMCommand !_GuiInputFilterWMCommand Watch and filter specific GUI input controls by specific RegEx pattern.
GuiSetWinToCenter !_GuiSetWinToCenter Set window to center on screen.
GuiWindowShakeAsHint !_GuiWindowShakeAsHint Let the window shake a bit as a popup hint.
IsFocusOnGui !_IsFocusOnGui Is given GUI in focus (window exists, window is visible, window is enabled and window is active).
IsMouseOnGui !_IsMouseOnGui Is mouse over the GUI.
SetVisualStateOfStartBar !_SetVisualStateOfStartBar Toggle visual state of the windows start bar.
ShowToolTipInfo !_ShowToolTipInfo Show tool tip text with padding.
StartBarToggle !_StartBarToggle Show or hide windows start bar.
ToggleControlVisibility !_ToggleControlVisibility Toggle the visibility of an control depending of it's current state.

Snippets with "math" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
Get_GreatestCommonDivisor_LeastCommonMultiple !_Get_GreatestCommonDivisor_LeastCommonMultiple Get 'greatest common divisor' and 'least common multiple' of to numbers.
IsNumberOdd !_IsNumberOdd Is number odd or even.
KilometresToMiles !_KilometresToMiles Calculates the miles of given kilometers.
MilesToKilometres !_MilesToKilometres Calculates the kilometers of given miles.

Snippets with "misc" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
DeleteCurrentScriptAfterRun !_DeleteCurrentScriptAfterRun Delete current script after execution (after run).
GetMacOrIpAddress !_GetMacOrIpAddress Get MAC address or if not found the IP address.
GetMonitorResolution !_GetMonitorResolution Get monitor resolution data as array.
GetProcessPathByPid !_GetProcessPathByPid Get process path by process id (PID).
MsgBoxWithoutStop !_MsgBoxWithoutStop Show a message box without stop/pause the program execution.
RunProgram !_RunProgram Runs external program with or without parameter in a quite robust way.
SetDisplayResolution !_SetDisplayResolution Set display resolution to specific display width and height.
TalkOverPcVoice !_TalkOverPcVoice Let the computer read out your text by the use of the SAPI API.
Template !_Template Creates a short script template to structure your code.
ToggleDesktopIcons !_ToggleDesktopIcons Toggles the visibility of the desktop icons.

Snippets with "mouseKeyboard" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
DrawRecordedMouseMovesFromFile !_DrawRecordedMouseMovesFromFile Draw recorded mouse moves (like a curve) from data of a file (see function _RecordMouseMovesToConsole).
MouseDragAndDrop !_MouseDragAndDrop Drag and drop mouse action. Mouse click, dragging to the target position and release (drop) mouse key.
PressKeyOrSendStringSeveralTimes !_PressKeyOrSendStringSeveralTimes Press key (keystroke) or send a string several times.
RecordMouseMovesToConsole !_RecordMouseMovesToConsole Record mouse move as 'MouseMove(...)' string to console. Which is a preparation step for function _DrawRecordedMouseMovesFromFile.

Snippets with "output" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
ConsoleWriteUnicodeChars !_ConsoleWriteUnicodeChars Write Unicode characters to the console.
GetAutoItEnvironmentInfos !_GetAutoItEnvironmentInfos Get AutoIt environment information.
GetCommandLineOutput !_GetCommandLineOutput Read command line output (result of a given command) to string.
GetComputerInfos !_GetComputerInfos Get computer information.
NewLine !_NewLine Get one newline (carriage return and line feed) by default or multiple newlines by optional parameter.
Print !_Print Extends the default ConsoleWrite function by a default line break and optionally by start- and trailing pipe sign for better notice of whitespaces.

Snippets with "string" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
CreateRandomText !_CreateRandomText Create a random text (string based on different modi).
GetGuid !_GetGuid Get a valid GUID.
GetGuidSegment !_GetGuidSegment Get GUID segment which is used in function _GetGuid.
GetUniqueMachineGuidString !_GetUniqueMachineGuidString Get unique machine guid as string.
NormalizeStringLength !_NormalizeStringLength Normalize string length for a good looking table like output result.
SplitStringByCountToArray !_SplitStringByCountToArray Split a long string by defined count to an array.
StringProperWithoutSpaces !_StringProperWithoutSpaces Reformat the given string to proper case without spaces ('This string will be reformated to proper case without spaces' => 'ThisStringWillBeReformatedToProperCaseWithoutSpaces').
StringProperWithSpaces !_StringProperWithSpaces Reformat the given string to proper case with spaces ('ThisStringWillBeReformatedToStringProperCaseWithSpaces' => 'This String Will Be Reformated To String Proper Case With Spaces').

Snippets with "zip" related context

Snippet Prefix Description
CreateZipArchive !_CreateZipArchive Creates a zip archive by windows built in functionality.
ExtractZipArchive !_ExtractZipArchive Extract a zip archive by windows built in functionality.
ExtractZipVia7z !_ExtractZipVia7z Extract zip archive by 7z call.

Getting started


Actually there is no real precondition for this snippet extension. But without using the snippets, it wouldn't make much sense. That's why I recommend to install the "AutoIt language extension for Visual Studio Code" by "Damien".


Variant 1 - by VSCode:

  • Click the extensions button in VSCode and type in "AutoIt Snippets".
  • Select the one by "Sven Seyfert".

Variant 2 - by VSCode launch:

  • Quick open:

    • Linux: Ctrl+P
    • MacOS: ⌘+P
    • Windows: Ctrl+P
  • Paste the following command and press enter:

    ext install sven-seyfert.autoit-snippets

Variant 3 - by Visual Studio Marketplace:


See the animated GIFs in the "Features" section above.

When your current file in VSCode is in "AutoIt language mode" then just type the trigger key !_ and the VSCode IntelliSense (Auto-Completion mode) will give you the snippets overview.


Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to [...]

Q: Is there a frequently asked question already?
A: No, not yet.

2. How to [...]

Q: [...]?
A: [...].


Just look at CONTRIBUTING, thank you!


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


  • Opportunity by GitHub
  • Badges by Shields
  • Extension creation with the help of Yo Code and VSCE
  • Utilities components by
    • Me (SnippetOverviewGenerator.au3)

To the top


VSCode-AutoItSnippets, display name "AutoIt Snippets" is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides helpful functions which are commonly used for all kind of programming or automation tasks within AutoIt. For example for the work with strings, dates, arrays, for getting information (system and more) or to record mouse actions or even for the w…




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