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JS canvas example #77

wants to merge 12 commits into from
316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
(* JS deps *)
module Html = Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html
module Dom = Js_of_ocaml.Dom
module Js = Js_of_ocaml.Js

type point = { x : float; y : float }

let ( -! ) { x; y } scalar = { x = x -. scalar; y = y -. scalar }
let ( +! ) { x; y } scalar = { x = x +. scalar; y = y +. scalar }
let ( *! ) { x; y } scalar = { x = x *. scalar; y = y *. scalar }

type circle = { c : point; radius : float }

type ellipse = {
start : point;
curve_one : float * float * float * float * float * float;
curve_two : float * float * float * float * float * float;

type line = { a : point; b : point }
type polygon = point list

type shape =
| Circle of circle
| Ellipse of ellipse
| Line of line
| Polygon of polygon
| Complex of shape list

(* JS type conversion helpers *)
let str = Js.string
let bl = Js.bool

(* aliases for globals *)
let doc = Html.document
let window = Html.window

(* Context *)
type joy_context = {
context : Html.canvasRenderingContext2D Js.t;
canvas : Html.canvasElement Js.t;

let context : joy_context option ref = ref None

exception Context of string

(* Not working, could use help fixing *)
let () =
Printexc.register_printer (fun e ->
match e with Context err -> Some ("Context: " ^ err) | _ -> None)

let fail () = raise (Context "not initialized")

let init_context canvas =
if Option.is_some !context then
raise (Context "cannot iniitialize context twice")
else (
Dom.appendChild doc##.body canvas;
let ctx = canvas##getContext Html._2d_ in
context := Some { context = ctx; canvas })

let get_window_size () =
let w = float_of_int window##.innerWidth in
let h = float_of_int window##.innerHeight in
(w, h)

let maximize_canvas () =
match !context with
| Some ctx ->
let w, h = get_window_size () in
ctx.canvas##.width := int_of_float w;
ctx.canvas##.height := int_of_float h
| None -> fail ()

let create_canvas () =
let w, h = get_window_size () in
let canvas = Html.createCanvas doc in
canvas##.width := int_of_float w;
canvas##.height := int_of_float h;

let color_str (r, g, b) =
str (Printf.sprintf "rgb(%f, %f, %f)" (r *. 255.) (g *. 255.) (b *. 255.))

(* Sets global color *)
let set_color color =
match !context with
| Some { context; canvas = _canvas } ->
let color_string = color_str color in
context##.fillStyle := color_string
| None -> fail ()

(* sets background color *)
let background color =
match !context with
| Some { context; canvas = _canvas } ->
let w, h = get_window_size () in
let _color_string = color_str color in
context##.fillStyle := str "white";
context##fillRect 0. 0. w h
| None -> fail ()

let circle ?point radius =
match point with
| Some c -> Circle { c; radius }
| None -> Circle { c = { x = 0.; y = 0. }; radius }

let draw_circle ctx { c; radius } =
let { x; y } = c in
ctx##arc x y radius 0. (2. *. Float.pi) (bl false);

(* Rectangle *)
let make_rectangle c width height =
let width, height = (width *. 2., height *. 2.) in
let { x; y } = c -! ((width +. height) /. 4.) in
{ x; y };
{ x; y = y +. height };
{ x = x +. width; y = y +. height };
{ x = x +. width; y };

let rectangle ?point width height =
match point with
| Some c -> make_rectangle c width height
| None -> make_rectangle { x = 0.; y = 0. } width height

let line ?point b =
match point with
| Some a -> Line { a; b }
| None -> Line { a = { x = 0.; y = 0. }; b }

let draw_line ctx { a = { x = x1; y = y1 }; b = { x = x2; y = y2 } } =
ctx##moveTo x1 y1;
ctx##lineTo x2 y2;
ctx##moveTo 0. 0.

(* Ellipse constructor fn & rendering fn
currently just multiplying radii by 2 to offset scaling issue
feels hacky *)
let ellipse ?point rx ry =
let { x; y } = match point with Some p -> p | None -> { x = 0.; y = 0. } in
let rx, ry = (rx *. 2., ry *. 2.) in
let half_height = ry /. 2. in
let width_two_thirds = rx *. (2. /. 3.) in
start = { x; y = y -. half_height };
curve_one =
( x +. width_two_thirds,
y -. half_height,
x +. width_two_thirds,
y +. half_height,
y +. half_height );
curve_two =
( x -. width_two_thirds,
y +. half_height,
x -. width_two_thirds,
y -. half_height,
y -. half_height );

let draw_ellipse ctx (ellipse : ellipse) =
let { start; curve_one; curve_two } = ellipse in
ctx##moveTo start.x start.y;
let x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = curve_one in
ctx##bezierCurveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3;
let x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = curve_two in
ctx##bezierCurveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3;
ctx##moveTo 0. 0.

(* Polygon helper fns and rendering fn *)
let polygon points = Polygon points

let rec take n lst =
match (n, lst) with
| 0, _ -> ([], lst)
| _, [] -> ([], [])
| n, x :: xs ->
let taken, rest = take (n - 1) xs in
(x :: taken, rest)

let rec partition n ?step lst =
match lst with
| [] -> []
| _ ->
let taken, _ = take n lst in
if List.length taken = n then
(match step with
| Some s -> partition n ~step:s ( lst)
| None -> partition n ~step:0 ( lst))
else []

let draw_polygon ctx (polygon : polygon) =
let points = partition 2 ~step:1 (polygon @ [ List.hd polygon ]) in
(fun pair ->
let { x = x1; y = y1 }, { x = x2; y = y2 } =
(List.nth pair 0, List.nth pair 1)
ctx##moveTo x1 y1;
ctx##lineTo x2 y2)
ctx##moveTo 0. 0.

let complex shapes = Complex shapes

(* transformations *)
let deg_to_rad degrees = degrees *. (Stdlib.Float.pi /. 180.)
let bi_to_uni point = (point *! 0.5) +! 0.5

let rotate_point degrees { x; y } =
let radians = deg_to_rad degrees in
let dx = (x *. cos radians) -. (y *. sin radians) in
let dy = (x *. sin radians) +. (y *. cos radians) in
bi_to_uni { x = dx; y = dy }

let rotate_ellipse deg { start; curve_one; curve_two } =
let destructure_list = function
| [ (x1, y1); (x2, y2); (x3, y3) ] -> Ok (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
| _ -> Error (Context "Error in ellipse rotation")
let map_curve curve =
let x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = curve in
let points =
(fun point ->
let { x; y } = rotate_point deg point in
(x, y))
[ { x = x1; y = y1 }; { x = x2; y = y2 }; { x = x3; y = y3 } ]
Result.get_ok (destructure_list points)
let start = rotate_point deg start in
let curve_one = map_curve curve_one in
let curve_two = map_curve curve_two in
Ellipse { start; curve_one; curve_two }

let rec rotate degrees shape =
match shape with
| Circle circle ->
Circle { c = rotate_point degrees circle.c; radius = circle.radius }
| Ellipse ellipse -> rotate_ellipse degrees ellipse
| Line _line -> failwith "Not Implemented"
| Polygon polygon' -> polygon ( (rotate_point degrees) polygon')
| Complex shapes -> Complex ( (rotate degrees) shapes)

let repeat n op shape =
let identity n = n in
let match_list l =
match l with [] -> [ shape ] | last :: _ -> op last :: l
let shapes =
List.fold_right (fun _ acc -> match_list acc) (List.init n identity) []
complex shapes

(* Render fns *)

let rec render_shape ctx shape =
match shape with
| Circle circle -> draw_circle ctx circle
| Ellipse ellipse -> draw_ellipse ctx ellipse
| Line line -> draw_line ctx line
| Polygon polygon -> draw_polygon ctx polygon
| Complex complex -> List.iter (render_shape ctx) complex

let render shape =
match !context with
| Some ctx -> render_shape ctx.context shape
| None -> fail ()

let draw () =
let w, h = get_window_size () in
let c = { x = w /. 2.; y = h /. 2. } in
background (1., 1., 1.);
set_color (0., 0., 0.);
let circle = circle ~point:c 100. in
let rect = rectangle ~point:c 100. 100. in
let ellip = ellipse ~point:c 100. 75. in
let polygon =
(fun { x; y } -> { x = x +. 10.; y = y +. 10. })
[ c; { x = c.x; y = c.y +. 100. }; { x = c.x +. 100.; y = c.y } ])
let axes =
line ~point:{ x = w /. 2.; y = 0. } { x = w /. 2.; y = h };
line ~point:{ x = 0.; y = h /. 2. } { x = w; y = h /. 2. };
let _complex = complex [ rect; ellip; circle; polygon; axes ] in
let ellipses = repeat 4 (rotate (360. /. 32.)) (ellipse ~point:c 100. 75.) in
render ellipses

let onload _ =
let canvas = create_canvas () in
init_context canvas;
maximize_canvas ();
draw ();

let _ = window##.onload := Html.handler onload
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions examples/dune
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Expand Up @@ -107,3 +107,11 @@
(name circle_packing)
(modules circle_packing)
(libraries joy))

(name canvas)
(modules canvas)
(modes js)
(pps js_of_ocaml-ppx))
(libraries js_of_ocaml))
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions index.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* While there is no body element,
this is still necessary to force the docuemnt
to take up the full size of the viewport */
body {
width: 100dvw;
height: 100dvh;
margin: 0 0;
padding: 0;

canvas {
width: 100dvw;
height: 100dvh;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<script defer type="text/javascript" src="_build/default/examples/canvas.bc.js"></script>