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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Bug 🐛
Bug :bug:
Something isn't working
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Difficulty: Easy 😊
Difficulty: Easy 😊
This issue can easily be solved, only a few line changes necessary
Difficulty: Hard 😭
Difficulty: Hard 😭
This issue is hard to solve, a lot of code needs to be changed
Difficulty: Medium 😐
Difficulty: Medium 😐
This issue can be solved, but a decent amount of lines need to be changed
Important ❗
Important :exclamation:
Issue is important!
Improvement 📈
Improvement :chart_with_upwards_trend:
New feature ⭐
New feature :star:
New feature or request
Overhaul 🌈
Overhaul :rainbow:
Overhaul a part of the code
Priority: High 🥇
Priority: High :1st_place_medal:
Assign this label if this issue is VERY important or often used
Priority: Low 🥉
Priority: Low :3rd_place_medal:
Assign this label if this issue is used once every few days
Priority: Medium 🥈
Priority: Medium :2nd_place_medal:
Assign this label if this issue is used around once a day
Text change ✍️
Text change :writing_hand:
Something is spelled wrong/should be phrased differently