Beta 13
- Installer
- Improved detection of TeeChart version (Lite or Pro) for the currently selected IDE, to recompile the TeeBI chart-related packages using the appropiate version
- BIGrid (VCL only)
- New "Detail" menu item displays a secondary grid with the rows that belong to the selected main grid row
- The "ShowItems" property has been changed from a Boolean to an enumerated type with "Automatic", "Yes" and "No" values
- BIWeb server
- Unit BI.Web.Common.pas is now "agnostic" and can be used with any HTTP server components. The default BIWeb server projects for VCL and Firemonkey use Indy's HTTP components. A new project at "Server\IIS\VCL" folder compiles an ISAPI dll plugin for Microsoft Windows IIS ("Internet Information Server")
- BI Arrays
- Improved speed when calling the array DataMap types "Find" method
- New generic TArrayReverse method inverts all elements of any array
- All TXXXArray types have now a new "Reverse" method to invert themselves
- New SortedFind function in all TXXXArray types, uses a binary search algorithm to quickly find elements when the array is sorted
- BIFilter
- New TBIFilter class enables design-time filtering of queries and pivot-tables. BIFilter includes an Items collection, each item with specific properties to filter data elements (with different settings depending the data kind, numeric, date-time, text or boolean)
- BIQuery
- Huge refactoring of the TBIQuery class. Working with queries and pivot-tables at design-time without programming has been greatly improved
- The old "Items" property has been now split into "Dimensions" and "Measures" to avoid redundancy at Object Inspector properties
- New Filter and Sort properties with a collection of Items, each one with specific properties to customize filtering and sorting, and with custom editor dialogs available both at design and run-time
- Most select queries and pivot-table summary examples can now be created at design-time, without programming and without typing any SQL text script or text expression
- Data Providers
- Fixed and improved the BDE (Borland Database Engine) data provider. Using the BI.Data.DB.BDE unit allows importing BDE TDatabase, TTable and TQuery components
- New HeaderCount in TBIExcel component and fixed bug when importing Excel spreadsheets not detecting a header row automatically
- Map-Reduce
- New BI.MapReduce unit includes a generic class with methods to perform the "Map-Reduce" algorithm from TDataItem data. A new demo in "demos\VCL\MapReduce" folder shows the different capabilities
- Miscellaneous
- A new unit "BI.Data.Expressions" now contains a big portion of code that was previously in BI.Data unit. This reduces BI.Data code size and separates concepts.
- Removed mandatory dependency on FireDAC units (for XE6 and up) when using the Data Manager editor dialogs
- New BI.Data.Info unit now contains classes that were before in BI.Data unit (TDataInfo and the new TDataItemsInfo)
- New methods in TDataItems class: Reverse and SortByName
- Fixed bug in *.hpp C++ autogenerated headers (TDataItem overload "Item" indexed properties)
- Improved parsing and generation of SQL scripts from / to BI Queries
- New TDataCursorItem "Name" property to replace the selected item names in queries (the "as ..." SQL clause)
- New TStores "Count" function, returns the number of registered TStore items
- New TBIRegistry class variables "UseRegistry" (boolean, default True) and "IniFile" (string), enable using an *.ini file instead of the machine Registry. This is necessary for BIWeb server in ISAPI DLL mode
- TSummary "DateOptions.Part" property has been renamed to simply "DatePart"
- Improved performance at TSummaryTotals class, and fixed working with date-time special kinds of data (Month, Quarter and Weekday names)
- FTP import class now uses the connection Timeout setting specified in its TDataDefinition
- New Firemonkey editor dialog for TBIGrid control
- BIComposer TGroupChart inner class now using TBIChart control instead of a normal TChart
- New Component Icon images for IDE design-time component palette