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Enables you to serve (formerly StartApp) Ads in your iOS application using Google's AdMob mediation network

1. Getting Started

The following instructions assume you are already familiar with the AdMob mediation network and have already integrated the AdMob iOS SDK into your application. Otherwise, please start by visiting AdMob site and reading the instructions on how to add AdMob mediation code into your app.

2. Adding Your Application to Your Developer's Account

  1. Login into your developer's account
  2. Add your application and get its App ID

3. Integrating the <-> AdMob Mediation Adapter

The easiest way is to use CocoaPods, just add to your Podfile the dependency

pod 'startio-admob-mediation'

But you might as well use this source code from Github and add it to your project

4. Adding a Custom Event

  1. Login into your Admob account
  2. From the left menu select "Mediation"
  3. Press "CREATE MEDIATION GROUP" unless you already have prepared one
  4. Fill out all the fields regarding to your ad parameters
  5. Select your previously created ad unit pressing "ADD AD UNITS"
  6. On the "Waterfall" panel press "ADD CUSTOM EVENT"
  7. Fill in "Label" and "eCPM" as you need
  8. Fill in the appeared fields "Class Name" and "Parameter" regarding to your ad type:
Ad Type Class Name Parameter Options
Interstitial StartioAdmobFullscreenAdapter {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "interstitialMode":"OVERLAY", "minCPM":0.02} interstitialMode can be OVERLAY or VIDEO
Banner/Medium Rectangle StartioAdmobInlineAdapter {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "minCPM":0.02}
Rewarded StartioAdmobRewardedAdapter {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "minCPM":0.02}
Native StartioAdmobNativeAdapter {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "minCPM":0.02, "nativeImageSize":"SIZE150X150", "nativeSecondaryImageSize":"SIZE100X100"} nativeImageSize and nativeSecondaryImageSize can be any of SIZE72X72, SIZE100X100, SIZE150X150, SIZE340X340, SIZE1200X628(for main image only)

All parameters in the "Parameter" field are optional except the "startioAppId" which you must provide in any case.

If you need additional assistance you can take a look on our app example which works with this mediation adapter here