XUSG 2024.04 (Release v6.0 with work graphs and preview WMMA)
Newly updated:
- Support of work-graph pipelines with Shader Model 6.8.
- Support fallback value mapping for null SRV descriptors.
- Support PBR textures and tangent in the GLTF loader.
- Support descriptor table settings in EZ, for hybrid DX11 and DX12 styles. For some static texture binding (without barriers in the backend), it is faster to use descriptor tables directly.
- Enhance pipeline lib and support generic programs
Recent highlighted features:
- Reserve the slot for vendor specific extensions (AMD ags or nvapi).
- Support of wave matrices (need preview D3D SDK).
Package structure:
- [Bin] dll and lib files
- [Core] Header file for core functions
- [Advanced] Header file for advanced functions
- [Ultimate] Header file for ultimate functions
- [RayTracing] Header file for ray-tracing functions
- [Helper] Header files for XUSG-EZ and XUSGRayTracing-EZ wrappers
- [MachineLearning] Header file for machine-learning functions
- [Optional] Source and header files for some optional helpers (obj and GLTF loaders)
- [Shaders] Shader header files for spherical harmonics in XUSGAdvanced and source files for one-pass prefix-sum in XUSGComputeUtil